Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God I pray to rebuke reject resist bind up and cancel out on the dreams I had last night about Janus and Tia Jan saying hell no oh no and saw and heard about me and my friends kissing on each other and all the other stuff I pray that those dreams will not happen or continue or come to pass or become more in any form or way possible and I pray for the dreams about my mom and family coming back alive from the dead grounding me from Nickelodeon and Disney movies and stuff and taking them away and controlling me and overpowering me I pray that they will not come back alive from the dead I pray that that would not happen in any form or way possible I pray they it won't continue come true or happen in any way and I pray that the dream where it said you know the Jesus you believe in I don't know if we're talking about the double ganger is fake or the Lord Jesus Christ is Real well the Lord Jesus Christ is not fake but the dreams said you know that Jesus you believe in he's fake and Jesus Christ is nowhere near fake he's as real as he can be Jesus is not fake I think that was the devil talking in that dream I pray that all these dreams will be fake and not real please delete destroy defeat erase and get rid of all these dreams and cancel out on them in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I pray Amen