Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God I pray that you will come in everybody's hearts souls minds and strengths and become a one and only Lord and savior forever and ever and I pray to rebuke all judgment on me and on anybody else and I pray that you were here and answer and Grant me all my prayer requests and give me everything that I want and would want in this life and I pray that you will put all the vehicles that I want and would want in my property and I pray that you will heal redeem and cleanse me and my life and my land and I pray to rebuke and reject on all judgment against everybody from anybody including the devil and his imps and I pray 

that you will give me 400 Decillion dollars to provide for me and my friends and to give to Paul homeless people and other people like that and I pray that you will let me and all my friends be able to travel sometimes together and always be safe with no double gangers or trouble around oh controlling or any kind of bad people around and I pray that I will lose burn and kill 50 to 150 lb of weight on my body and I pray that you will return restore and renew all my lost good and good versions of dreams that I have lost within the past year to 17 years now and within the past month or two that I wanted or would have wanted to come through I pray that you are let those dreams come true and come back to me and continue and become real and happen in many forms and ways possible and please let me have more dreams like those and let them continue as well in many forms and ways possible and I pray that you will let nothing but good happen to your good people don't let no need if that people come around any good person and I pray 

that you will stop and end all the nightmares and dreams that I had yesterday and in the past about Mom and Grandma and family coming back a lot from the dead and controlling me and overpowering me and moving me around and moving me to places I don't want to be and away from my friends I pray that none of those dreams will happen and I pray that they would not come true or continue or or become real in any form or way possible please delete destroy end and get rid of and cancel out on those dreams and I pray for no more dreams about or like those anymore in the future and I pray that me and my friends and me all will have a good peaceful happy joyful future together and life and I pray that you wil fix and upgrade and update all mine and my friends in families social media pages and renew them and make them new and bring them back to us and give them back to us and I pray that you will help us do whatever we want to do with each social media page of ours and I pray that you will reassign our social media pages to us and block everybody that we wouldn't and don't want to be on it including all the hackers scammers gay folks and really anybody that we wouldn't want to socialize with or want on our pages and I prayed this strongly in Jesus mighty fine name a God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I pray 
