Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God I pray that you will reunite and unite me and my list of friends back ina unity and I pray that you will restore renew and return all my good dreams and good versions of dreams that I have it in the past year to years to 17 years to now that I wanted or would have wanted to come true I pray for all those dreams to come true and continue and I pray TO LOSE AND BURN AND KILL 50 to 150 pounds of weight on my body and I pray for forgiveness the sins for forgiveness of mistakes for forgiveness of wrongdoings for forgiveness of wrong thinking and for forgiveness of trespasses and for anything else at this place you and I pray that you will heal and redeem in cleanse me and my land and my life and I pray that me and my friends will always choose each other and want to be with each other and live with each other and I pray for the property that I've been praying for in morning I pray for a property for me and my friends living and I pray that we will do everything together and travel together and and do everything with each other each and every day and I pray that there will be one love week of every month where me and my friends kiss and all that and I pray that we will kiss and all that two or three times of every day and I pray that we will want to do that and really enjoy and love it dearly and I pray that everything will be in the property that me and my friends like and would like love and would love enjoy and would enjoy need and would need and want and would want and I pray that me and my friends will never be fake with each other and we'll tell each other that things that we do it because it's different when each other than anybody else and tell you so we don't have a problem with each other until he said I love you I love you best friend hey cutie hey cutie pie you got cute face and all that stuff and more and I pray here in answer me and my prayers and reason with me and give me everything I want and would want in this life and I pray that Shawn Hupp will never snitch or telling on me about anything anymore and ever again and I pray that Mama would never find out anything about what me and shawn does again I pray that those days and dreams and moments will end today forever and

I pray that me and my friends will and will be able to hug hug hug eachother and pat and rub each other's cheeks and forehead and back of head and back and shoulders and kiss kiss kiss each other on each other cheeks and forehead and wherever we want to kiss and lay down and snuggle up and go to cheek to cheek with each other and snack her up and sleep with each other and I pray that we are to sleep with each other. As good best friends/ bro friends without any problems at all without anybody coming in getting in between us without any controlling without anybody making faces of us or without any bad person knowing I mean without any problems at all and I pray that we will want to do it too and really love it and enjoy I pray that me and my friends will be the best friends in everything that each other will want with each other and for each other to be forever and ever and I pray that me and my friends love doing it and I pray that me and my friends will have a deep bro friendship relationship with eachother and do things with each other that we will not do with anyone else but I pray that nobody bad or controlling will not know about us doing this stuff and I pray for this in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I pray 


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