Faithful Servant
Dear Heavenly father God. I pray that you will reunite and Unite me and my list of best friends back in unity including 1.Cody Anthony Tincher 2.Andrew Thomas Murray 3.Antwan Louis Amey. 4.Phillip Ryan Simmons. 5.Johnny Mac powell 6.Michael Tyler Gourgan 7.George William Owens 8.Lee Anthony Shaffer 9.Joshua Larry Davis 10.Corey Larey Asher. /. Eric Anthony Taylor and I pray that you will let all my friends and add me , Follow me , and friend me on all my social media accounts and I pray that you will help me and all my friends I fix all my social media accounts and upgrade all of them and restore all of them and make them all work and be easy access to get on and I pray that you will let all my friends know the reason why I have so many accounts and let them create the same amount if they want to and please restore , renew , and return all my good dreams and good versions of dreams that I wanted or would have wanted or still would want to come true that I've lost everything in the past 11 12 13 14 15 16 years to now come true and continue and come to pass and come to life happen become real and become a reality in many forms and ways possible and I pray that me and my friends will be the friends and the people that each other would want each other to be and I pray that you give me the property I've been asking for for me and my friends to live in together and I pray that we are living it a in peace and harmony and I pray that the property will have everything that me and my friends want and would want in the property including all the vehicles and I pray that you will bring us joy peace and happiness each day with our friendship and I pray that our friendship would be a success and I pray that you will let me and my friends do everything that we want and would want with each other including kissing on each other cheeks forehead and neck and hug each other and pat and rub eachothers forehead and cheeks and lay down and snuggle up with each other go cheek to cheek and I pray that we will call each other cutie ,cutie pie, hey cutie , you got cute face , hey you. , Hey bro , hey best friend. , Hi best friend. , Hi bro. , You're such a good friend , Hi buddy. , Hey buddy and say more to each other to make each other feel special and needed and wanted and I pray that you will give me back the dreams I've lost within the past 2 months that I wanted to come true I pray that you will bring them back to me and let them come true and continue and I pray that you will restore mine and my list of best friends friendship back into unity. And I pray that me and my friends will show each other that we love each other and care for each other everyday and I pray that you will Answer all these prayers in Jesus mighty fine name in God's holy blessed name and and the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I Pray Amen