Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God I pray for the dreams where Tia Jan found out caught and saw me and Cody in my other friends hugging kissing on each other and where mom found out and came down from heaven and gotten between me and my friends from doing that I pray that those dreams were not come true or continue and I pray that the dreams were Cody cancer and Mac Powell makes faces I mean turn away from me we're not come true either I pray that my friends will never do that to me I pray that they will promise that too I pray that they will promise that they will never do that to me and then not dream where Mama Karin's friend saw me and Shawn kissing and caught us and try to video us. I pray for that dream to not come true or continue all happen or come to pass in any form or way possible please delete destroy defeat erase cancel out on end and get rid of all those dreams today and including the dream where Cody and friends went to Janus And Janus try to split me and my friends up I pray that that would never happen I pray that Janus will never be near me and my friends around my friends at all not Kelly reebuck not Linda Adams not nobody from Janus I pray for those dreams to end today and all the rest of those dreams and I pray for this in Jesus mighty fine name and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of The Holy Spirit I pray 
