Faithful Servant
Dear heavenly father God Dear Lord Jesus Dear Holy Spirit I pray for forgiveness of sins for forgiveness of wrongdoings for forgiveness of wrong thinking and for forgiveness of mistakes and for forgiveness of trespasses and I pray that you will heal me r and my friends redeem me and my friends and cleanse me and my friends and all lands and lives forgive us all and I pray that you are come into our hearts souls minds. And strengths in our body and become our God and king forever and ever and our one and only Lord and savior forever and ever and our everything. And I pray that you will feed the hunger the poor the needy the sick the helpless and the people that just In need and give them a home to live iand clothes to wear and family and friends and all the food that they need and I praying that the dreams I had last night the other night about double gangers and all the dreams that I had about them I pray to rebuke and reject and resist and find up and cancel out on those dreams I pray for them not to come true or come to pass or happen or become real in any formal way possible I pray that no double Ganger will not come in mine or my family or friends or people I know life let them not be real delete them destroy them defeat them erase them End them and get rid of them and cancel them today and on the dreams about them too today including dreams about Carolina and Jose around the block I pray that those dreams I had last night about them and had within this month or two or three or four dreams I pray that those dreams were not happen either I pray that they will be gone and dealt with and then I pray that me and my friends will never go against each other or have a problem with each other or make a face I settle or what other I pray that we will not have no doubt against each other and don't have anything against each other at all I'm not pray that we will be able to kiss kiss kiss hug hug hug pat pat pat and rub rub rub each other on each other's face seek forehead wherever including on the forehead and cheeks and chin and be able to pat and rub each other on the shoulders back knee and leg and lay down and sleep and snuggle up with each other without any problem at all I pray that no controlling over time people will come in our lives will not come into our lives at all or spot us or notice us doing it and stuff I pray that all those dreams will be fake about Janus and charmed mamma Karin and tia Jan and family and all I pray that that dreams were not come true and about Mom and Grandma and then come back alive from the dead I pray that none of those dreams will come true police in the nightmares and dreams I got about them and stuff please and all that my nightmares and I pray this in Jesus mighty fine and in God's holy blessed name and in the precious righteous name of the Holy Spirit I pray amen
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