Faithful Servant
Dear Heavenly father Dear Heavenly Brother Dear Heavenly Spirit Dear God DeAr Jesus dear Holy Spirit 

i pray for forgiveness of sins ,wrong doings ,my mistakes ,&Wrong thinking please clear my mine from fear and wrong thinking and worries

heal and redeem and cleanse me and my land

and please help me lose 50 to 100 Pounds of weight

and please make me not have any more dreams/Nightmares about my old workshop Janus Developmental services Inc about them doing services somewhere else like in Indianapolis IN or Here in Columbus Indiana or in Connersville Indiana or somewhere else then Janus in Noblesville Indiana and about them getting in between me and all my friends i pray that wont ever Happen ,come true ,become real , come to past or continue in any form or way possible and i pray for the dreams i had last night on December -23 -2020 and for the past 6 months about them doing that this stuff will not happen i pray for them to not happen , come true , come to past , become real or continue in any Form or way possible i pray for them not to happen and i pray for those dreams to come to an end i pray for no more dreams about janus stuff please free me from those dreams for Good and i pray that all the janus staff that quit retire or had injurys and quit janus or got a new job or got fire will not go back to work at janus in any form or way Possible I pray that Janus will Go out of business and Shut Down for Good and i pray that no Janus staff will not see this post in any form or way possible and i pray that Kelly Rebuck ,Julie ,Alex Cripe ,Linda Adams ,Brittney Lehman ,Abbey McEntire or Cheryl Bowlin' or any of the other Janus old or new ones will not control Andrew Thomas Murray or Follow him around any where at all i pray that they will leave my best friend Andrew Thomas Murray Alone and give him freedom space and Choices and let him live his life with out them always being around him i pray for them to go into there own areas and leave me andrew and my other friends alone and in peace for Good on Earth and in heaven

and i pray God Jesus and Holy spirit that you will help me get all the pokemon Seasons for Andrew Thomas Murray and all the pokemon and Digimon seasons for Zachary Lee Lemler and complete those 2 Promises

and i pray that you God Jesus and The Holy Spirit will Make me be 24 years olds again

and please help me get the property that me and my friends 1.Like and Would Like 2.Love and would Love 3.Enjoy and Would Enjoy. 4.Need and Would Need 5.Want and Would Want and me and all my friends on my friend list live in it in peace while we live on the earth & without janus staff be around and i pray that janus staff will not show up or be around any place me and my friends go or show up at

and i pray i pray that Janus will shut down and go out of business for Good i pray that Columbus Regional Health in Columbus Indiana will buy them out of business

and i pray that me and my friends can live together forever in peace in our property on earth and in our property in heaven without janus people that i don't want to not be around 

and please lord help me get all the movies that i want and would want 

and i pray this pray in Jesus mighty fine name in Gods Holy blessed Name and in the precious righteous name of the holy Spirit amen