Humble Servant of All
Dear God, where is my son. Please let me know, Joseph is not in touch. Please don’t let him be in jail. Please have him get in touch. Please give me peace on this situation. Lord, I trust in you and that you are working in the background of our lives and I await your answering of prayer. Please let Joseph turn his phone on so the rehab can contact him. This is a desperate time for us, please help. Please give us all a peaceful nights sleep and allow us to wake up refreshed and energised. Thank you for sending your only son to die for our sins. Please send my only son to rehab and allow him to live a good life. He wishes to complete a full year in rehab and then work in the rehab. He wants to go to the Christian rehab. Please grant him this wish. He will be fully equipped to help others and believes in Jesus Christ. Please have mercy on him and forgive his addictions. Please end this vicious circle. Protect us all from the enemy. Please heal all our family from our illness, tiredness and ailments and serious medical issues. Thank you God, in Jesus name Amen