Humble Prayer Partner
Dear God, Jesus and all my brethren in their names on this website: Please God & Jesus, send a miracle healing out to my sister Deidre who's still suffering form lung cancer. Give her renewed life, restored health, and please protect her, the rest of my family members and myself from any further sickness, danger and harm; danger seen and unseen and please extend this similar request to a Mrs. Linda Arthur and a Mrs. Grace Miles. Two of your good, Christian women servant's who are suffering terminal illnesses of their own, Lord. And please look after my little brother Clifton and his family in Florida while we're both separate for now. My Lord thy God & Savior Jesus Christ, Please accept my prayer for you to do the following: -Defuse the crisis in the world's hot spots and desolate and destroy Iran and North Korea's nuclear program to be used for evil against Israel which you say is the apple of your eye. -heal, comfort, nurture and relieve the suffering of the victims of the most recent tragedies in the past year. -Please grant President Trump and Vice President Pence with the strength, wisdom and knowledge to render good governance and stewardship to their respective offices and place good, sound-mined moral stewards of government around them to help and protect them and this great nation of ours -And finally, please protect me from my creditors while I reconcile with them and my landlords past and present (Johnnie W. and James Brown). Please resolve a possible on-coming indebtedness court date and federal & state (VA) tax legal matter in my favor by releasing the money blessings you already granted me so I can at least pay down back-due rent, make proper investments, help the poor and needy and resolve the remaining money issues I have. :This above I humbly ask in your Holy precious name(s), 'AMEN!" P.S.: TO ALL MY BRETHREN IN CHRIST JESUS: PLEASE HELP ME SEND THIS IMPORTANT AND THOROUGH PRAYER UP TO THE LORD. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WONDERFUL WORD UP TO THE LORD TOGETHER WITH ME. PLEASE BE BLESSED THIS NEW YEAR OF 2019 AND PLEASE IN ADDITION, ASK THE LORD IF HE'LL CONTINUE TO PROTECT ISRAEL, HEAL THE FAMILY OF THE YOUNG POLICE OFFICER IN CALIFORNIA KILLED BY AN ILLEGAL ALIEN LAST WEEK AND GET THE NORFOLK, (VA) POLICE TO RELEASE MY IDENTIFICATION (ID) BACK TO ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SOMEONE TRIED TO USE IT ACCORDING TO THEM AND I NEED IT BACK. 'DO THIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH I THESSALONIANS 5:17!" 'AMEN!"