Dear God it's another Monday of prayer. Praying that you will provide me to be able to pay my debts I'm a little having an anxiety because my Lord I don't have in my hands the amount that I need to pay. God please help me. I want to be positive in everything that everything will be fine because you are here to help and guide me. And thank you for giving the way to talk to my love across the miles, just asking for a frequent opportunity so that me and him will not worry so much in this pandemic we're experiencing. Take care of him always away from all illnesses and temptations. Guide me Lord and give me wisdom to solve this financial situation. Always touch the heart and mind of all the people i owed to give me more time to pay them. Forgive me from all my sins. Give me a second chance to rebuild a better life. I know it's too early to pray for this. To give me a good & happy Christmas because last year I got a very sad Christmas. I pray that you will give me a best Christmas although you gave me a best gift ever, my love across the miles. Thank you for giving him for me. He heals every broken pieces in me, my greatest gift and i say a sad Christmas because he got sick of covid. Please again take good care of him. And my love ones. I pray these in the name of our God Jesus Christ. Amen