Le mar
Servant of All
Dear God
I know the plans you have for me are the best for me, I believe in you with my heart I pray Eric does too I pray for his daughter Alaina and my children cuben and Keira, lord we are all blessed and loved, I pray that with all in our hearts that is going on we have truth respect loyalty honesty faithfulness and I pray sencerity lord I know you hear my heart I know you will help us please I pray, as today I been hurting but I am blessed sometimes we need rest I get that, I just don't want to feel lost they are my family and I pray just pray in you lord to hold us even if I must give all to you please help us thank you god Amen
I know the plans you have for me are the best for me, I believe in you with my heart I pray Eric does too I pray for his daughter Alaina and my children cuben and Keira, lord we are all blessed and loved, I pray that with all in our hearts that is going on we have truth respect loyalty honesty faithfulness and I pray sencerity lord I know you hear my heart I know you will help us please I pray, as today I been hurting but I am blessed sometimes we need rest I get that, I just don't want to feel lost they are my family and I pray just pray in you lord to hold us even if I must give all to you please help us thank you god Amen