Gabriel Gichinga
Prayer Warrior
Dear God.... I know from you alone is salvation, and you want us to repent, Lord I want to repent, yet pornography has got its grips on me so hard that for ten years of my life, I have been unable to trust you to take it from me, and genuine repentance gas evaded me, it has kept many good blessings from me, yet I do not want to give up for you are the only good thing in my life, that has made each day worth living in spite and despite my constant backsliding, I know you are willing and able to save me, the problem is myself, I have sowed rebellion and unbelief and now my heart is as hard as flint, that I rush on in desperation in away that can only lead to regret, brokenness and shame...Lord what I want this Christmas is a new heart, a heart that trembles at your word, a heart that is teachable, and Spiritually led, Lord I will not give up, for I have no one and nothing to rely on but you, please forgive me, and incline my heart to your Holy commandments, fetch me and bring back to you, contrite and willing to endure the discipline of reformation, there is nothing too hard for you, you rescued Rahab the harlot, Mary Magdalene, Paul the chief of sinners help me as well, let me thirst for you and not for sin, use me to to reach others as well, and may you have all the glory, hear me please not because I am worthy on the contrary I am far from it, but for the sake of Christ who shed his blood for me, and intercedes on my behalf, have mercy on me a sinner, Amen