Dear God as of this morning I am suffering from anxiety & depression. Because of so much worry about the date that I am supposed to pay all my responsibilities but still the help from a friend isn't arriving. My Lord the only thing I could do right now is to pray to you, your miracle. The more I'm eager to change my life for the better, why is fate seems to be very elusive and aloof. Why can I have a better life? God I am also your child, your child asking & begging you make my life out of this misery. Everything in me is so difficult to comprehend, why is this happening to me? I almost give up my Lord. I can't handle this anymore. I already endured so much pain, sadness, & suffering when can I have the much lighter side of life? I can't reach the light at the end of this tunnel? Where's the silver lining in my life? I am already 58 yrs old but still a loser. Everyday I'm asking you to touch the heart and mind of the people i owed money.. to give me more time to settle every single peso i owed. My Lord please, I'm begging you to provide me a solution to this problem. Always keep safe all my love ones especially my love across the miles. Give us a chance to talk every day so that our worries will be lessen. Help me my Lord. Amen