Disciple of Prayer
Dear Friends my family needs prayer in several areas our current situation is that we have a family trip planned and paid for for next week. My husband got a job today that starts on Monday. It is a short term project that goes through October we need the income and our trip is prepaid and non-refundable.They said in order to do the project he has to be there for the beginning of the project and he agreed to accept the position. He is going to ask if he can start on the project for a few days and then be able to join us for the end of the trip.We release the outcome of this to the Lord and ask for his support in this area. My husband also has other projects in the works that could come to be so we are not sure that taking this project is the best thing for our family. We ask for your guidance in this area and you support in finding the right balance in this overall situation. Our trip is planned to include my husband it will be difficult for me to do the entire trip without him because I don't really know the areas we are traveling to or the sites we are visiting and he does. We trust in the Lord to will help us to determine the right situation. We praise Jesus for your guidance in this and the progress in our lives. We thank him for transforming our situation. We feel his hands in our lives in every way and every day. Please lord keep your hand on our marriage and help us through these troubled times. Amen