Dear friends in Christ,
A number of weeks ago I requested prayer for my health, my son and my financial situation and I now want to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for their prayers and God’s great love and intervention in my problems. I still need your prayer as I have still got some very serious problems but I’m now starting to see answers to my prayers.
For a number of years I have been very worried about my son (he will be 31 this October) and things just seemed to be going from bad to worse and he turned his back on the Lord six years ago and would not go to church except possibly once or twice a year. In November last year it really got bad and he then moved in and started to live with his girlfriend. She was really against church or any kind of religion and was very bitter and would also occasionally use bad language. Three weeks ago, without any kind of warning, my son rang me up and told me that he broke off with his girlfriend and asked me could you please come home, needless to say, I said yes and welcomed him back with open arms.
The thing that I am really pleased about and I just cannot stop giving thanks for, is the fact that on the first Sunday he moved back home he went to church twice and has been going to church twice every Sunday since then and also to some meetings during the week. His mother and I don’t know exactly what happened as he does not talk much and we have to be careful what we say, but we just give thanks to God every day. I do not believe that my son has committed his life to the Lord yet but I believe he will in the future.
If you are in the same position as I was and are worried about a loved one son, daughter, husband, wife, etc do not lose faith but continue to pray and God being a faithful God and your loving heavenly Father will answer your prayers.
I would ask you to continue to pray for my health, as I am still taking irrational panic attacks and financially I’m under a lot of pressure and need funds to come in next month to save my business and home.
Thank you all again very much, I really do appreciate your prayers and time.
God bless you all
A number of weeks ago I requested prayer for my health, my son and my financial situation and I now want to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for their prayers and God’s great love and intervention in my problems. I still need your prayer as I have still got some very serious problems but I’m now starting to see answers to my prayers.
For a number of years I have been very worried about my son (he will be 31 this October) and things just seemed to be going from bad to worse and he turned his back on the Lord six years ago and would not go to church except possibly once or twice a year. In November last year it really got bad and he then moved in and started to live with his girlfriend. She was really against church or any kind of religion and was very bitter and would also occasionally use bad language. Three weeks ago, without any kind of warning, my son rang me up and told me that he broke off with his girlfriend and asked me could you please come home, needless to say, I said yes and welcomed him back with open arms.
The thing that I am really pleased about and I just cannot stop giving thanks for, is the fact that on the first Sunday he moved back home he went to church twice and has been going to church twice every Sunday since then and also to some meetings during the week. His mother and I don’t know exactly what happened as he does not talk much and we have to be careful what we say, but we just give thanks to God every day. I do not believe that my son has committed his life to the Lord yet but I believe he will in the future.
If you are in the same position as I was and are worried about a loved one son, daughter, husband, wife, etc do not lose faith but continue to pray and God being a faithful God and your loving heavenly Father will answer your prayers.
I would ask you to continue to pray for my health, as I am still taking irrational panic attacks and financially I’m under a lot of pressure and need funds to come in next month to save my business and home.
Thank you all again very much, I really do appreciate your prayers and time.
God bless you all