Dear Father, watch over all my loved ones, take care of them, keep them safe, healthy and strong. Protect them from any harm or danger and guide them in their lives so that they may give you praise and worship you, that they lay their troubles at your feet and trust in you, and show you gratitude for all that you do for them. I pray that you take care of me oh Lord, keep my spirits up, keep me motivated. Father as I start this new semester, please be with me, help me through all my classes, help me to gain knowledge, retain what I've learnt, understand what I'm being taught, and make it through each class as alert as I possibly can be. Help me to keep awake and to focus. Father in all my course work and assessments, help me to do them well, to put as much effort, to do my best. Help me to study and keep abreast with my work and my notes. Help me to keep up with my readings and tasks and that I stay on top of my work. Father when I feel demotivated, uninspired, or just have a lack of drive, help me to push through, help me through the challenges and the struggles, help me to keep sight of what is important and to never give up. Dear Lord I pray these things for all my friends as well, as we all start this new semester. Be with them oh Lord as you will with me, help them on their journeys and be with them to guide them and find their passion. Father I thank you for my parents, I ask that you take care of them. Take care of my cat, and all my other relatives and friends. I pray for Joel's family dear Lord, be with them in this time of grief. Help them through the pain and sorrow, and may they be able to recover quickly from this sad moment in their lives. May Joel forever rest in peace. Father let everyone show more compassion and understanding for change other, and not take things for granted, not take this life for granted. May peace and understanding prevail in my home and the homes of all my loved ones. Thou art is with me forever and always. I pray these things in Jesus's precious name, Amen.