Humble Prayer Partner
Dear father, pls help me. I feel alone, sad and depressed. I find no way through which i make my family agree for my marriage with maninder to whom i am in relationship from 9 yrs.Pls jesus you interfere in my hard and difficult situation. Pls send your divine helpers for my help. I really need you. Pls show me a lil hope for my marriage with maninder if you really listen my prayers. Pls chnge the mind set of my family father. I leave each and everything on you father and hide my this relationship, phone and passport in your sacred blood because you can only save all these. Nothing now in my hand i my hopeless and helpless
. Pls father bring me too to london to my love maninder and marry us. Pls take our relationship to next level father. Don't break our relationship and don't separate us. I heartly request you father