Faithful Servant
Dear Father God, I pray today that I will yield myself completely to You, so that You may use me in whatever way You choose. I pray that You will provide me opportunities to demonstrate to others; both in word and in deed, how much You mean to me. Please strengthen me Father, to stand strong and be faithful to heed Your voice when You are prompting me to pray. Help me to avoid and resist the temptation to become slack or complacent in my prayer life. Give me wisdom to know what to say, how to pray, and when to pray. And please give me the discernment and sensitivity to speak the truth in love to all that You shall send across my path today. I pray that I may be bold enough to proclaim the gospel of Christ clearly and truthfully and I ask that many seeds may be planted through my actions and attitude, as well as my words today, and everyday. Thank You Father for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour. May I never lose focus of the amazing grace by which I have been spared by Christ willing choosing to die for my sins on Calvary’s cross and may I never tire of sharing this beautiful truth with whomever You place in my path. Thank You Father that You are faithful to equip all those whom You call into Your service so that they may carry out and complete the work that You have prepared for them to do. Lord You know my own limitation and inabilities and I pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit You would furnish me with the necessary skill and graces to fulfil all that You would have me to do this day. All this I ask in Jesus name, Amen ~