Disciple of Prayer
Dear father and Man of God. Pastor U know my condition.You know the whole situation around me.You know all my sins.Plz forgive me.I am your daughter my father.Father is a one who knows all the wants and desires. Pains and suffering of his daughter.My father hold my hand.Answer me in any way.Dear father you know my family and condition of my family.They all beats their wife's drinks alot and also use abuse wording to their daughter.My father bless them all.Show the right path to all of them.change their minds.change their words.Dear lord my king.thank u for the pure love.Thank you for blessing me with the perfect life partner.kamalpreet.i have no words for father u fulfill my desire and bless me with a loveable partner.Thank you my father.But
my father my family rejected him. They denied only because he is not rich boy.but You know he is rich with his heart.He loves me so much. He is very loyal to me.I am really thankful for selecting for me this soul.Dear father I beg u

to save this relationship.To put all the conditions and circumstances in my favour.Dear lord bless both of us with the happy married life.

miracle is a simple thing for you.My lord hold my hand.clean my way for this marriage.convience my father,my brother,my uncles,
.I know my father who loves me the most Jesus Christ.My father save my life.forgive my sins.

.change the situation my lord.My lord I don't want to marry anybody family forced me to marry the boy they select.But my lord my father I believe that u sent kamalpreet in my life.Bless me with the happy married life with my loving partner and the boy u sent in my life.bless me with the happy married life with kamalpreet.bless him with the UK visa the way for this marriage. 

I beg you to save my pure relation.Thank You Jesus for kamalpreet.thank u thank u thank u. ANSWER my prayer.Give me spritual life.bless my life with your blessings.Help me my me help me help your daughter.dont leave me my lord.hold my hand.Give me strength.give me my love.Bless me with the happy married life with kamalpreet. 

. Love you my father.