Beloved of All
Dear churhc, i beg you to pleas epray fo rme. i am so ill and helpign my mom who has asperger snydorm. my mom is unabel to detect my emotions. she belive si am her 24/7 servant. ims o tired . PLEAS EOMEON PRAY THAT I BGET MORE REST AND MY MOM IS HEAE ODF ASPERGER SNYDORMW I CAN NEEVR SAY NO T HER BECAUS EH HAS MELTDOWN ALL DA YALL NIGHT SMEONE PLA SI BEG YOU I NEED HELP!! IDS THERE ANOYN EWHO CARES ABOUT EM XDODE SGOD CARE I CANT DO THIS I NEEED SOEMOEN TO CARE OR LET ME DIEi dotn want to be but im neve rnever allowe dot rest. i car eofr my grandma everyda. pelas esmeon explain to my mom i am tire di cannot help her wiht every RIGHT awí yall the tiem. i have no fmaily nof riend swe are stuick in the hoem for 7 years. my grandm ais ver yill. i am her caregiv ri never to allwoe dot rest why is God dign to this to me i can tge thelp bno oen wil help somebody pleas ehelp me. why am i am s cotnroeld by my mother? why doe s God enevr allow me rest how do i say ot od? im so tire dim so tire dsomeoen pelase help me. i jsut want soem sleep i want soemoen to see my pain to help me i have nof riends no body no husband no thign someon epleas ehel me im so tired of beign cotnrollwed al the itme with so mcuh cargivign. i need soemoen to care LORD END MY LIFE I BEG YOU I CNAT DO THIS ANYMOR Im not well someoen PEAS EHELP ME I NEG
Lord Jeus Chris tpleas ehal my mothe rof asperger syndorme i can thandle this i can thand elit . I want to die pelase gO di SEND ME SOEM HELP PLEASE SNE DHELP OR END MY LIF EI CNAT DO THIS ANYMORE SOMEONE HELP ME
Lord Jeus Chris tpleas ehal my mothe rof asperger syndorme i can thandle this i can thand elit . I want to die pelase gO di SEND ME SOEM HELP PLEASE SNE DHELP OR END MY LIF EI CNAT DO THIS ANYMORE SOMEONE HELP ME
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