Prayer Partner
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, - I would like to ask for prayers to find a job and pass a librarian competition this year. May the Lord help me to be as productive as possible, to have the best methods. I also pray to earn more money and thus experience a certain financial stability, even a new job. That I can revise without stress, make files, as effectively as possible, without bad humor. May he work miracles, healings and wonders! That we have more money for our doctor's fees, repairs ... I pray that my stress will disappear completely, that I have the peace of God. That I find a job quickly but that I am not obsessed with it. Let me pray more and stop doing things halfway. Let Jesus be our bread of life, do exploits. I pray to truly fear God. Let me know Elijah the Prophet and follow his example. That we can have a good dialogue with my wife. I don't mistreat her. THAT physical contact be reestablished between us. Let Satan come out of her. Don't tell me anymore that I have to go to the hospital. Let me be free from my demons and unclean spirits. I pray to switch to electronic cigarettes. That we were not going to live in the United States. Let her no longer take care of herself. Let her stop saying "there is nothing left between us". That we can talk a lot and do things together. I wish that my soul would never be shot again but that it would be full of joy. Let me know Elijah the Prophet and follow his example. That we can have a good dialogue with my wife. Let physical contact be reestablished between us. Let Satan come out of her. Don't tell me anymore that I have to go to the hospital. That I stop being afraid of her and her reactions, that I stop fearing her. Let her not send me back to my parents. Don't tell me she doesn't want to talk to me or see me anymore. Don't let me sleep anywhere other than at home, in our bed. Let me be its chief. Whether I stop lying about my medication or the hospital. Let her stop working. That I cuddle her a lot. Let her not tell me that we are more together, that she does not think so, that she is pure. I pray to atone for and overcome my abuse of women. Let me stop being confused with God. I pray to stop making the bed, to go to the kitchen as little as possible. Let me stay with my wife until I die. Let me ask the impossible of God, let him listen to me. May I not be shy with my faith. Don't let my wife think I'm pretending to be happy. Let her stop asking people's opinions about our relationship. May it be sanctified by the Word of God. That I know how to highlight his music. Help me not to have back pain later. Do exploits, Lord! May I be more emotional and sentimental. Help me to highlight people, to put them at ease, to be more spontaneous. Let everyone have mercy on me. Help me play the instrument that suits me. Whether I'm addicted to alcohol or cigarettes. Help us regain our dignity as a couple. Let my wife not hold me responsible for her misfortune, let her turn to Christ. May my wife no longer be ashamed of me. Let me stop finding cute people. Help me to be cleaner. Help me to be more present on social networks. That I am no longer attracted by the image of women, by eroticism, triviality, nudity ... Let my wife either and stop masturbation. Let me stop being wrong with everyone. Let me stop being pompous and contemptuous. Take me out of my heresies Lord! Let me stop being disgusting. May my parents not be obnoxious about my couple, my faith and Jesus. Let me smile more. May I not be racist. Let me study theology. May I find brothers and sisters in Christ wherever I go. Let the world go slower, let me go slower. May sin be consumed in me. May I say "God bless you". May I be green. I never believe in divorce. Let her not wear makeup anymore, dress softly. I'm not afraid to intimidate people, to scare them. I love TV and technology. Let me learn more about IT. Let my wife forget that I have to apologize or say sorry. Don't blame me for not talking to her. I repent of being clumsy when I was younger. Let me not be I or murderer. Let me stop having seizures, let everyone forget that I have had seizures. May I not hate women, may I not be violent and disillusioned. I regret that I did not help my wife pay for her plane ticket. May I feel the wrath of God. That I can smell good. I don't hate fat people. That I don't hate people who aren't my style. May I be humble and faultless. May I not be accountable to anyone. Don't be afraid, don't be nervous about speaking in public. That I am not afraid of professionals or intellectuals. May I be tired. Let no one find me skinny. Don't hang on to my wife. I don't regret anything. Don't let my wife think I'm going through hell. May my faith be less theoretical. Let no one think that I used to have my head with my wife all the time. Let me not be spiteful or vengeful. So that I can walk barefoot. May I no longer be dominated by my parents. I repent of wanting to have an abortion. Lord, give me your strength, your support and your support. May the legal environment be kind to me. Get out of business. Let no one question my marriage or come back to the old stories of my couple. Make sure my parents don't hate my wife, don't be legal, and neither does she. Lord, open their eyes to your word, take away the scales of the world! Let me stop bothering her. That I can talk about sex with my friends. May I not be afraid to speak to parents. Let me find out about divorce. I love babies. I don't care about my social network. May my ignorance be healed. Let no one think I am delusional. I repent of leaving my girlfriends. May I be generous and hospitable. May sin be dislodged from my childhood. That I don't idolize ES, E, EF or FG. Let me not be confused. That I can PEP. That I am no longer afraid of the keys. Let me have connection sharing. May I have benignity and long-suffering. May my parents and family love my wife. Let my pornographic culture disappear. That I stop getting upset when my privacy is touched, that I'm no longer modest. That I can scratch and massage it. May I not be effeminate. Let me wake up with a smile. May I not be monstrous. Let me stop shaving. That I can drink A and R. That I find a job in journalism. Let my wife stay away from all bad influences, especially her mother. May I be pure, immortal and holy. May I enter your knowledge Lord and your glory. So that I can cut short telephone conversations. Let them not idealize their model of couple and marriage. I don't care what people think. Everyone don't care that I don't take care of myself anymore. May I not be flashed anymore. Let the world love me and admire me. May God be lenient with my faults. May I not make love encounters. That I don't manipulate people with my faith. May I not be overcome by the stress of modern life. May I not be susceptible to mockery. That I am not looking for physiological explanations for my behavior. Let me retain only the good. Let us be tempted by the devil. Let me not be irritated by people who snore. May I not be afraid of promiscuity. Let me forget the F. Let me never be robbed or vandalized. Let me forget my BS and BDB. Let me buy a reading lamp. That I stop coughing or having a sore throat. Let no one think that I have to assert myself. I don't listen to MF anymore. Let me aim for the glory of God. Give me a sanctuary, Lord. Let my parents turn on the lights. Let me have an animal. Let my mental activity calm down. Let her not be hysterical or odious, let her confess to God. May I not be vile. Let me not hurry. That I don't despise the people I want to talk to. May I not be rude. Help me not to binge. Let me have an aesthetic point of view. May I enter into your contemplation, Lord. May I be more experienced. Let me have weapons. Don't make fun of God. Let me scratch myself. Take pity on me. I don't judge alcoholics. Help me understand why she wants to leave me. May I have no urge, no desire, no sexual thoughts. May she never say that she no longer has a husband, that she will never take away her wedding ring. Let her apologize and don't hate me. Help me express my emotions and feelings, Lord. May our lives be precious. I am MAM. May I not be jealous of the wealth or success of others. May my gaze avoid all temptation. May I not reject anyone. May I not be feminine. Don't put my stuff outside. May the fire purify us. That she doesn't think I threatened her. Let her not be mad. Atone for my racism and my anti-Semitism. Let me shout out my jokes on N and E. Let me have a healthy relationship with food, let me not be greedy. I don't suspect anyone. Let the snake come out of it. Whether I am pernicious or vicious. May I be lenient and a good sheep for our eternal pastor. I forget A, An, C, M, GS, P, EF, SP, TS, H, V, Z, Sc, S, An, Ant, P, L ... Let me no longer have a fascination for D or P. Let me forget B, R, F, E, DP, PAP, RS, LE and LP, FS, all PS, APT, CDJ, A, CM, VEV, AEP, TP, DS, RS, SN, RS , CM, K, JS, JDR, CC, Y, U, H, DV, J, E, G, E, PS, ST, T, B, GGD, SS, L, ST, M, L, C, DP, E, Q, GP, AV, AV, PA, GB, GF, VS, S, I, DS, RSLJ, MS, MS, S, DAS, ES, DS, MS, JM, J, B, le L, G, DF, D, T, T, SS, MS, FAM, LS, RS, AS, DS, IS, DS, LS, DS , MES, CS, GS, NS, SE, all forms of DP, DG, FS, LS, MS, AS and AC, DS, SDLDA, PS, SEV, FAV, FS, IS, MM, G, B, l e PB, V, IS, AS, D, R, SG, S, S, T, FT, DD, Ex, TR, TP, SS, DA, M, HS, DP, NCS, IS, SNA, MDMS ... May my vision and my body be purified. I repent for my runaways. Give me relief Lord. I repent of hating the R. I repent of not having assisted her. I repent for irresolution and for my insurrectionary spirit. I repent for making fun of E and LE, V, MS. I repent of having lived with a woman. I repent of the CPSF. I regret having TDF and for CPAM. Let me forget BM, TG, S, Ir, witch cults and Satan. Let my parents let go. Help me sympathize with people. Let me stop being disgusting. Let me stop having the anxiety of the new songs. Help me not to be aroused by evil. I don't hate young people. Lord, I love you and I adore you, thank you for always answering my prayers. Let me stop from BLF. Let me play the piano. Let me re-read my resumes and cover letters. Let her not be obsessive. Make sure I apply for as many offers as possible. Help me to be worthy of you Lord. Let no one suffer from my divorce. Let no one blame me for not taking my treatment or going to the doctor. I don't listen to dentists. May I be stable. Let me know the youth collections. May his leg be healed and his health preserved. I forget all the stuff about hormones and the presence of others. May I not compare my prayers or my faith with others. Let me forget the mockery of my youth. May I not seduce virgins. That I don't demand interest. That I don't make fun of people M. That I forget the things about working postures. Let there be no more deluge. That I can get my requests through urgently. May I not be anti-rich and communist. May I take pleasure in God. May I read the Bible well, with my heart and the Holy Spirit. Let me go to the MCO platform. Let me forget the comfort of my bed and that of the family home. Let me call my loved ones. May I not fear the Word of God. May I avoid personal thoughts, but may the Lord be my living source. Let me not try to be exhaustive and complete, let me be clear. May I not give up in the face of lack of time. Let her take care of herself, don't deceive me, take good care of the evening, see friends and believers. That I don't hide my laptop screen. That I don't think love is a scam. Let me talk to people on FB. That I don't like anything on FB, that I'm not a hypocrite, that I don't accept anyone as a friend. That I can do hangings, clothes. Don't be afraid to go to a prayer group. Let me not be judged on my professional project. Let no one be intrusive with me. Let no one search my life. May I have a beautiful burial. Let me ask where people come from. That I love the people of the church, the pastors, the presidents, the ministers, that I am not distrustful. Let no one investigate me. Let me forget my knowledge of eating rhythms. May I not be a slave to anyone except God. That I believe in jubilation and happiness according to God, that I laugh a lot. Let me get fat. May I not be afraid of new encounters. Let my stomach and my intestines be satisfied. May I no longer have pain in my neck and upper back. Let me be selective on FB. Let me find my priesthood. May my grandparents be blessed. Let me know how to prepare pancakes. May I be crucified in the image of our Lord. I eat a variety of things. Explain to me why the man is looking for a soul mate. Let me reread Genesis. That I forget my knowledge of illnesses, consciousness, sophrology, hypnosis ... That I calm down during meals. I like well-dressed people. May I not rush events, may I take my time. Let me not reclaim profane knowledge. I sleep without blinds. Let me forget Spinoza. May I be a standby. That TSPs in all contexts. That I don't despise the countries of the South. Let people not judge me as my life projects or professional projects. May I not linger in the company of people. That I'm not always trying to be right, to spread my culture. Let me remember the first names. Let me publish only the new prayers. Let me pray and sing loudly in a group. Let neither the Lord nor His children of light judge me on my appearance. May I not be a slave to anyone except the living God. Let me ask people for their profession and their journey. Let me know how to speak in public and make speeches. May I not pray or read the Bible in public. Let me know it on my fingertips. Let me do workshops. Let me forget the inspiration and expiration stuff. Let no one be poisoned. That I am not a polytheist and that I do not blame God for anything. Let me look at my Bible as soon as I'm afraid. Let everyone know me, get to know me and let me kiss everyone. Always have my cell phone with me. May I be available to others. That I visit the Monts d'ArrΓ©e. Let no one rush the move or divorce. That I refuse satire. Let no one be afraid of running out of battery. Let everyone get used to my rhythm. I invite the crippled, the poor, the deaf and the blind to banquets. Let me forget my knowledge about schools. That I don't MPMF to everyone. I repent of myself EL, of having changed MV, for L and V. Let my hair not be G or S. Let me be familiar with people. Get out of my house, never get a headache. I thank for the favors. May I be strong in accent. Letβs celebrate Christmas and Advent. Let me forget the comfort of my bed. Let there be no remarriage, with some exceptions. That I ask to change rooms, that I don't disturb people. Let me make my bed. Let me know the teams under 20 years old. May I be talented and inspired by the Holy Scriptures of God! Let me register in the media library. How I find support, with God! Whether I work in the departmental library or at the BNF. Let me know French and foreign authors. Let me have notifications. Let me be breathless. May I believe in Good and Evil, according to God. Why the Lord's woe and suffering? Let the MCs be helped. May I not wake anyone with my alarm clock. Let me say that I overturned DV. That I MPLB. Let me choose between city and countryside. May I be B. May I live far from my family. Let me express my PDB. That I. Let me know the protocols. Let me not be obsessed with cleaning, let the AEs the FPM. That I don't print bad practices. I know how to do digital mediation. I work with leisure collections. May I not be moved by LD. Let me know the hashtags and T. Let me get ELG. Let MF expiate the EC. Let me remove MCDY and DN. May I take advantage of all that God has offered me, to the extent of His Commandments! Praise to you Lord! That I CLV and LD. May I not believe in the contradiction of God, for he does not deceive his anointed ones! Let me forget the EDB on health. Let me make V's, let me not be irreverent. May I not be spiteful to God. May I regain all my abilities as a newborn. Don't blame me for not negotiating your computer beforehand. Let me get my computer back. Let me know about direct recruiting. Let me watch the open contests. I love the D. I repent for the current notebook. May prayer be my work and my pure work, in the Name of the Lord! I watch Marvel and DC. Let me understand the image of those who have not given birth. Let me know when to take E. Let me know that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, as our Lord Jesus said! May my heart and my emotions be well kept by God! Thank you for your alliance of circumcision Lord! Whether I have a garage, a cellar, an attic, a parking lot, whether I am ideally located, Lord, respond to my requests! Let me not eat PDS. May I believe in Your Commandments and in immorality Lord, for you are a just God!