Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, - ...


Prayer Partner
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, - I would like to ask for prayers to find a job and pass a librarian competition this year. May the Lord help me to be as productive as possible, to have the best methods. I also pray to earn more money and thus experience a certain financial stability, even a new job. That I can revise without stress, make files, as effectively as possible, without bad humor. May he work miracles, healings and wonders! That we have more money for our doctor's fees, repairs ... I pray that my stress will disappear completely, that I have the peace of God. That I find a job quickly but that I am not obsessed with it. Let me pray more and stop doing things halfway. Let Jesus be our bread of life, do exploits. I pray to truly fear God. Let me know Elijah the Prophet and follow his example. That we can have a good dialogue with my wife. I don't mistreat her. THAT physical contact be reestablished between us. Let Satan come out of her. Don't tell me anymore that I have to go to the hospital. Let her fart no more cables. Let me be free from my demons and unclean spirits. I pray to switch to electronic cigarettes. That we were not going to live in the United States. Let her no longer take care of herself. Let her stop saying "there is nothing left between us". That we can talk a lot and do things together. I wish that my soul would never be shot again but that it would be full of joy. Let me know Elijah the Prophet and follow his example. That we can have a good dialogue with my wife. Let physical contact be reestablished between us. Let Satan come out of her. Don't tell me anymore that I have to go to the hospital. Let her fart no more cables. That I stop being afraid of her and her reactions, that I stop fearing her. Let her not send me back to my parents. Don't tell me she doesn't want to talk to me or see me anymore. Don't let me sleep anywhere other than at home, in our bed. Let me be its chief. Whether I stop lying about my medication or the hospital. Let her stop working. That I cuddle her a lot. Let her not tell me that we are more together, that she does not think so, that she is pure. I pray to atone for and overcome my abuse of women. Let me stop being confused with God. I pray to stop making the bed, to go to the kitchen as little as possible. Let me stay with my wife until I die. Let me ask the impossible of God, let him listen to me. May I not be shy with my faith. Don't let my wife think I'm pretending to be happy. Let her stop asking people's opinions about our relationship. May it be sanctified by the Word of God. That I know how to highlight his music. Help me not to have back pain later. Do exploits, Lord! May I be more emotional and sentimental. Help me to highlight people, to put them at ease, to be more spontaneous. Let everyone have mercy on me. Help me play the instrument that suits me. Whether I'm addicted to alcohol or cigarettes. Help us regain our dignity as a couple. Let my wife not hold me responsible for her misfortune, let her turn to Christ. May my wife no longer be ashamed of me. Let me stop finding cute people. Help me to be cleaner. Help me to be more present on social networks. That I am no longer attracted by the image of women, by eroticism, triviality, nudity ... Let my wife either and stop masturbation. Let me stop being wrong with everyone. Let me stop being pompous and contemptuous. Take me out of my heresies Lord! Let me stop being disgusting. May my parents not be obnoxious about my couple, my faith and Jesus. Let me smile more. May I not be racist. Let me study theology. May I find brothers and sisters in Christ wherever I go. Let the world go slower, let me go slower. May sin be consumed in me. May I say "God bless you". May I be green. I never believe in divorce. Let her not wear makeup anymore, dress softly. I'm not afraid to intimidate people, to scare them. I love TV and technology. Let me learn more about IT. Let my wife forget that I have to apologize or say sorry. Don't blame me for not talking to her. I repent of being clumsy when I was younger. Let me not be I or murderer. Let me stop having seizures, let everyone forget that I have had seizures. May I not hate women, may I not be violent and disillusioned. I regret that I did not help my wife pay for her plane ticket. May I feel the wrath of God. That I can smell good. I don't hate fat people. That I don't hate people who aren't my style. May I be humble and faultless. May I not be accountable to anyone. Don't be afraid, don't be nervous about speaking in public. That I am not afraid of professionals or intellectuals. May I be tired. Let no one find me skinny. Don't hang on to my wife. I don't regret anything. Don't let my wife think I'm going through hell. May my faith be less theoretical. Let no one think that I used to have my head with my wife all the time. Let me not be spiteful or vengeful. So that I can walk barefoot. May I no longer be dominated by my parents. I repent of wanting to have an abortion. Lord, give me your strength, your support and your support. May the legal environment be kind to me. Get out of business. Let no one question my marriage or come back to the old stories of my couple. Make sure my parents don't hate my wife, don't be legal, and neither does she. Lord, open their eyes to your word, take away the scales of the world! Let me stop bothering her. That I can talk about sex with my friends. May I not be afraid to speak to parents. Let me find out about divorce. I love babies. I don't care about my social network. May my ignorance be healed. Let no one think I am delusional. I repent of leaving my girlfriends. May I be generous and hospitable. May sin be dislodged from my childhood. That I don't idolize ES, E, EF or FG. Let me not be confused. That I can PEP. That I am no longer afraid of the keys. Let me have connection sharing. May I have benignity and long-suffering. May my parents and family love my wife. Let my pornographic culture disappear. That I stop getting upset when my privacy is touched, that I'm no longer modest. That I can scratch and massage it. May I not be effeminate. Let me wake up with a smile. May I not be monstrous. Let me stop shaving. That I can drink A and R. That I find a job in journalism. Let my wife stay away from all bad influences, especially her mother. May I be pure, immortal and holy. May I enter your knowledge Lord and your glory. So that I can cut short telephone conversations. Let them not idealize their model of couple and marriage. I don't care what people think. Everyone don't care that I don't take care of myself anymore. May I not be flashed anymore. Let the world love me and admire me. May God be lenient with my faults. May I not make love encounters. That I don't manipulate people with my faith. May I not be overcome by the stress of modern life. May I not be susceptible to mockery. That I am not looking for physiological explanations for my behavior. Let me retain only the good. Let us be tempted by the devil. Let me not be irritated by people who snore. May I not be afraid of promiscuity. Let me forget the F. Let me never be robbed or vandalized. Let me forget my BS and BDB. Let me buy a reading lamp. That I stop coughing or having a sore throat. Let no one think that I have to assert myself. I don't listen to MF anymore. Let me aim for the glory of God. Give me a sanctuary, Lord. Let my parents turn on the lights. Let me have an animal. Let my mental activity calm down. Let her not be hysterical or odious, let her confess to God. May I not be vile. Let me not hurry. That I don't despise the people I want to talk to. May I not be rude. Help me not to binge. Let me have an aesthetic point of view. May I enter into your contemplation, Lord. May I be more experienced. Let me have weapons. Don't make fun of God. Let me scratch myself. Take pity on me. I don't judge alcoholics. Help me understand why she wants to leave me. May I have no urge, no desire, no sexual thoughts. May she never say that she no longer has a husband, that she will never take away her wedding ring. Let her apologize and don't hate me. Help me express my emotions and feelings, Lord. May our lives be precious. I am MAM. May I not be jealous of the wealth or success of others. May my gaze avoid all temptation. May I not reject anyone. May I not be feminine. Don't put my stuff outside. May the fire purify us. That she doesn't think I threatened her. Let her not be mad. Atone for my racism and my anti-Semitism. Let me shout out my jokes on N and E. Let me have a healthy relationship with food, let me not be greedy. I don't suspect anyone. Let the snake come out of it. Whether I am pernicious or vicious. May I be lenient and a good sheep for our eternal pastor. I forget A, An, C, M, GS, P, EF, SP, TS, H, V, Z, Sc, S, An, Ant, P, L ... Let me no longer have a fascination for D or P. Let me forget B, R, F, E, DP, PAP, RS, LE and LP, FS, all PS, APT, CDJ, A, CM, VEV, AEP, TP, DS, RS, SN, RS , CM, K, JS, JDR, CC, Y, U, H, DV, J, E, G, E, PS, ST, T, B, GGD, SS, L, ST, M, L, C, DP, E, Q, GP, AV, AV, PA, GB, GF, VS, S, I, DS, RSLJ, MS, MS, S, DAS, ES, DS, MS, JM, J, B, le L, G, DF, D, T, T, SS, MS, FAM, LS, RS, AS, DS, IS, DS, LS, DS , MES, CS, GS, NS, SE, all forms of DP, DG, FS, LS, MS, AS and AC, DS, SDLDA, PS, SEV, FAV, FS, IS, MM, G, B, l e PB, V, IS, AS, D, R, SG, S, S, T, FT, DD, Ex, TR, TP, SS, DA, M, HS, DP, NCS, IS, SNA, MDMS ... May my vision and my body be purified. I repent for my runaways. Give me relief Lord. I repent of hating the R. I repent of not having assisted her. I repent for irresolution and for my insurrectionary spirit. I repent for making fun of E and LE, V, MS. I repent of having lived with a woman. I repent of the CPSF. I regret having TDF and for CPAM. Let me forget BM, TG, S, Ir, witch cults and Satan. Let my parents let go. Help me sympathize with people. Let me stop being disgusting. Let me stop having the anxiety of the new songs. Help me not to be aroused by evil. I don't hate young people. Lord, I love you and I adore you, thank you for always answering my prayers. Let me stop from BLF. Let me play the piano. - I would like to pray for the restoration of my marriage, so that my wife and I will live in communion with Christ, in fasting and prayer, so that the Holy Spirit will guide us both and that we will stop our quarrels , all day, in my wife's car or school. May he give us gifts of the Spirit such as prophecy and praying in tongues and our ministries. I would also like to say a prayer for having healthy and holy sex so that we can have sex more often. I wish we could find a good church for the two of us to go to and make Christian friends. May my wife recognize my work in Christ so that she can regain faith and trust in God. Let her accept the testimonies that I give to people, to strangers ... That I never get angry again and that she forgives me constantly. May we live in peace, joy and love. May I have a good, restful night. May we have eternal life. I pray that I and my wife will stop self-flagellating. Don't put anything away at home, let my wife do it for me. That I can take naps during the day. That I stop going to get her and take her by car, that I no longer work at her school, that I no longer do the shopping. That I no longer have memory and comprehension problems, that I am no longer shouted by the drugs. Let my obsession with sex go. Let my parents or my wife no longer worry about me. Help me expiate all of my misconceptions about sleep, help me fast more, help me eat good food and finally have the best Christmas ever. I pray to be smarter, socially, emotionally. That I no longer have concentration or memory problems. Let me drive well and stop breaking my car. May my wife no longer look at me with the eyes of anger, may she no longer be arrogant. Stop swearing, be rude. Let me buy a new battery for my computer. May God not curse me anymore. May he work miracles for us. May my health be protected. Let me speak of God and give Bibles to everyone. Let my wife come to church with me. Let her stop dating non-believers like the members of her group. Help me purify myself. I repent of having made my parents and my family suffer during my childhood / adolescence and of having wanted to leave them. I repent of making my friends and my wife suffer. Let me stop hiding or closing the pages when I read my Bible, when I post prayers ... Let no one I know end up in hell ... Let no one I know have cancer. I repent of having wanted to leave my wife several times. I don't know how to stop lying, but I'm counting on you Lord ... That I stop having inappropriate desires towards my wife. Never contact a lawyer. I expect a miracle. We can laugh and have more fun together. Help us to share well and use the money in our relationship. Help me not to be cruel. That I don't hate my wife and that she doesn't either. May kindness and gentleness reign in our house. Help me not to be depressed by the hospital. Help me find the right treatment that doesn't give me suicidal thoughts. May I be forgiven for having imposed my beauty tastes on my wife. I appreciate real beauty. May my mother be less athletic. May I pray for the persecuted in the world. May I no longer be a perfectionist. Let me be treated like a king. Help me not to be seized with terror. I see women as a weaker sex. That I am not violated by my emotions, that I am not obliged to deliver them. I have grace on my lips. I don't have a headache anymore. May I no longer be obsessed with laughter. Let my wife understand my situation. Let her be less proud and proud. May I no longer be afraid of life. Help me to do a book trade training. Let no one think that I isolate myself. That I stop spending my day in my head before sleeping. That I am no longer afraid to look at my laptop. Let me drop what's out of my control. Help me be creative. May I be tender with my mother. May I not bear false witness against my neighbor. Let no one think that I am a manipulator. May I repent of all the harm I have done to girls. Let everyone see the progress in my life. Don't take any more medication. Lord, give me a sign of your eternal life. That I am not afraid of weird people. May I not take tortuous paths, may I be direct and frank for the Lord. I'm not afraid of my name. May I not be overwhelmed by my teachers. Let my wife's heart tear and cry. That I avoid the screens at night. Let my wife defend me. That I ask forgiveness 1000 times from God. That I'm not afraid to forget. That I don't undress anymore. Lord, come out of me from darkness and blindness, give me your light. May I no longer take stock. I regret having looked at anti-Christian documents. Let me go over to FB. Let me leave the responsibility for their actions to others. I am not afraid of the public. Let’s take a break with my wife. Let her not feel sorry for herself. May I never feel alone. Whether I am not social or socialist. May I be grateful for the trials and persecutions, may all my joy come from the Lord. May I no longer be the favorite in my family. Let me not play a double game with my family, let me be honest. I repent of having married. Let me know my neighbors. That I respect the authorities and pay the tribute. May I no longer cough. Lord, silence this dull terror in me. That I don't feel guilty for sleep. I respect my parents. Lord, help me pay my living expenses. That I bow to natural constraints. Let me recognize the sexual signals. That I don't idealize heterosexuality. That I do not idolize sensuality, MF, MT, ML, MY, MB, MV or the C and FF. That we can listen to the Bible in the car. Let no one think I am wasting my life. May I be able to D. May I not be hidden or hidden from the world. Let everyone forget that I dressed well. I repent of having played online games too much. Let me stop being excluded from groups. So that I can watch GOT. May salvation take place with fear and trembling. May I no longer have an erection. That I stop idolizing women, sex and seduction through clothes or others. Let me forget eroticism. Lord, let me miss her. Let me stop idolizing M. Let me never take my wedding ring off. I don't believe in esotericism or the New Age. May I not be slandered or despised. Help me react well if I am woken up in the middle of the night. Lord, help me build my house on the rock. May I not be overinvested in parties. Let everyone persecute me, Lord. Don't be afraid when you come to my room. Let no one think that I am wasting my life by reading the Word of our Lord. May I deliver my soul to the heathen. I repent for not answering the phone. Don't be assaulted. That I don't indulge in occultism. That I don't hesitate to tell people to shut up. So that I can redeem myself with her, ask for forgiveness. That I repent of having FLA during R, that it is not impure. Help me stop the Coué method. Let it not annoy him. I appreciate poetry. May all Creatures be blessed. May I never have a car accident. May I no longer be rebellious and recalcitrant. That I don't hesitate before calling or sending a message. That I find good series. That I no longer have F. That I express K, M, C, S, C, Sh, P, C, HV, S, SD, all D , AF, Ab, C, all M, PE and PM, C, GE, PDB ... I repent for making fun of N, M and B. I pray not to hate the other religious, the N, the S ... I repent of having listened to RATM and others. I regret not having advised or stopped my friends. I repent for CAM and BAM. I forget LC and perverted or gay filmmakers. Let me be rid of my sin, destroy the root. I don't watch MDB. May I not be drawn to vain things. Don't make fun of the disabled. May I forget my knowledge of S and P. May my joy remain. Let me be disabled. Let me take care of my skin. Let me have an opinion on current events. Let me not make fun of the FDLO. I respect women. Let me forget the horror movies. May the world no longer be sexualized. Everyone accept that I read my Bible in all situations. Let me stop spying on people. Let me stop finding beautiful women. Let me not identify with those who look like me. Let the hypersexualization of women and men stop. May I not have style. Give me human touch Lord. Whether I can invite my friends over to my house or to Brittany. - I pray to get out of my depression, that Jesus will heal me completely, to rediscover the joy of living and wisdom, to stop my obsessions. So that I can pray in a better way. I pray that I will be less anxious, more communicative, less obsessive, that I will cry more and that the Holy Spirit will descend on us after our repentance. May he grant us charity. I pray to stop my drug treatment and a resolution of my physiological problems (acne in particular), emotional and mental, my chronic fatigue, my thoughts of suicide, my sadness, my crying and my anorexia. I pray that the appointments with the psychiatrist and the psychologist will stop as well as the nursing visit and that I will not return to the hospital and that I can stop my treatment. I pray that my wife will accept the way I dress. That we can find clothes that we both like. May the Lord allow me to avoid overeating and strengthen my fasting, as well as for my wife: may she prepare breakfast. Let her no longer be obsessed with her appearance, weight and food. Let me give her good gifts. Never let her face me again. Let her be more tactile with me, let her want me. May she convert to God and be humble. Let Satan stop attacking us. Let her accept that we won't have sex for a while. May I stop insulting the Lord. May we live in fear of God. May the Lord return soon. That I no longer hesitate to obey God. I pray that March will come soon. May we be happy, laughing and fulfilled on all fronts. Let her not feel mistreated, let me treat her well, like a Christian husband. I cry all the time. Let me tell my wife and family about my friends and family. May she be kind, understanding and patient with me all the time. Let us have a baby quickly. Let her stop getting mad at the machines, let her be more serene. Help me stop being crazy. That I can no longer hide my identity. Let me stop cheating, stealing. That I stop constantly coming back to my suicide ideas. Help me to praise you better Lord. Let me not pretend to be indifferent, let me be nonchalant, let me not be contemptuous of others. May my wife find patience for me. Help me purify myself. I repent of having made my parents and my family suffer during my childhood / adolescence and of having wanted to leave them. I repent of making my friends and my wife suffer. That I stop hiding or closing the pages when I read my Bible, when I post prayers ... Let no one I know end up in hell ... May no one I know have cancer. I repent of having wanted to leave my wife several times. I don't know how to stop lying, but I'm counting on you Lord ... That I stop having inappropriate desires towards my wife. Let her never contact lawyers. I expect a miracle. Help me get interested in Germanic languages. I pray for the leaders of our countries. Let my parents fast and never separate. Help me to fast in a group. Help me get my help this year. May I be happy with my family. Let me be a real man. May he not miss my wife's family or friends. Help me that my marriage no longer worries me, no longer worries me. That I always fall asleep before midnight. Let me stop finding her beautiful. May I no longer be hurt. Let her accept that I spend time with her and that I am in our house. Don't worry about my treatment. Let us both stop complaining. Let the nurses accept that I fast. That I do not indulge in lust and pleasure. I have compassion for my wife and my parents, may they not be paranoid. Let no one think that my couple is finished. May repentance and regret be my life. Let me explain all my clothing choices. Let no one notice that I am not washing myself or changing my clothes. Let no one see or blame me when I read my Bible on my laptop. May my weaknesses be healed and become my strengths. Help me cut with my parents. Let no one tell me that clothes make "self-respect". That I no longer benefit from my family's money. That I can change and wash my clothes. That I am no longer afraid of receiving calls. May I be more joyful and not gritty. Let my wife forget the lawyer and divorce. Forgive me for having been rich and for having benefited from it. May I be poor. Let my tongue be fair and not perverse. Let me stop making excuses for not leaving. Don't let my wife rob me of my stuff. I offer gifts and food. Let my wife go to heaven. May I be valiant. May I not compromise in my soul. May I have no secrets from anyone. Let the Gentiles not be too spoiled by you Lord. Forgive me for taking advantage of the kindness of others. Let me trust people. Let it smell good everywhere, including in my car. Lord, help me make myself C. That I love all kinds of music, movies, books. Let me forget my crushes. Whether I forget my physical or other faults. Let everyone forget my mystical or esoteric experiences. Let me cancel my shrink appointment on Wednesday. May I not hate the doctors. Let me forget my sexual and reproductive knowledge. Don't let my parents or my wife think I reject them. Let no one tell me to try several things and see what I like. That I can cut the S, M or Y. That I don't feel guilty for not calling. May the world not make me doubt you and your presence, Lord. Let me forget my musical and concert past. May I be virile and masculine. Don't be afraid of being poor. Let me stop thinking about myself LLP, LT, or MC, MA, or MP, or MP. Let me praise, thank you, read the Word publicly. May I not have aches or cramps. May I not harden my heart. My parents don't want us to split up or ever divorce. Don't be fooled by my treatment. May she be calm and careful. Let me become a monk. Whether I have a career in culture or culture. Let me be proud of my work. May the holy anointing be given to me. May I not be anxious when approaching my homework. That I stop looking at myself in a mirror, from CMN. THAT I no longer live alone. Let me forget Spanish. That I don't judge music or singers. Let me forget the B, the E, the C, the T, the B, the P ... Help me to confide more in the Lord. I repent of having FAM on several occasions. I repent for LCS. I would like to expiate the PF on my friends, my parents, my wife ... I repent for the flight, the VS, the ignominy, the sheathing, the G, the CDLV, the CSLC, on the O, the SNP ... let my whole body be holy. I repent of my LS and my adultery. Let me say the MDS, M and the awful writers. Let me be M. Let me defend myself. That I do not feel exasperation towards others. Let her pray. Whether I know library techniques, library, partnerships, administrative and budgetary management, HR, security, conservation, management, design thinking, space organization ... May my whole family succeed his businesses. - I pray for my parents, my brothers and sisters, my close family and my friends. I pray to witness the Word to them and stop lying. I pray that they will find Christ and accept him in their hearts. I pray for close proximity to my family and more friends. Let me speak to my brother and sister. May I love and forgive my cousins, my brothers and sisters. I would like to witness to Jesus in action, in spirit and in truth. May he give us more divine love! Let me tell my parents and others about my wife and our problems. May tenderness and affection return between us. Let me tell my wife and family about my friends and family. Let me stop my anxiety attacks and be in control of my emotions. Let me stop being bloodthirsty and morbid. I pray for political opinions. Let me stop entering my personality. May my wife never contact a lawyer and may I endure her wickedness. That I can wash more often. May my wife never be more frustrated against me and me against her. Let me stop having crushes on girls or guys. May I be freed from my guilt forever, may I be crucified like Jesus. Let me stop idolizing, being selfish. Let me express my childhood sexual experiences. May my wife be able to project herself with me and still believe in our love. May I no longer be attracted to homosexuals. Let me push my limits. That I do not feel constantly in distress or in doubting myself. That I stop being obsessed with breasts, buttocks, female genitals ... That I stop stressing myself out for everything. May the Church become a priority for me and may I be understood. Let me stop forcing with God. Let my wife not worry about what she will wear or what she will eat. Never be late again. That I no longer have pimples on my face or on my back. Let her stop saying "I can't take it anymore" or "it's not possible" and show compassion. That my wife can have her nationality and her driving license and a car. May your grace abound on us Lord. Help me stop living in anger. Help me not to be condemned by my past faults. May I visit my family more. May I no longer be perverse or treacherous. Help me to be against abortion. May prayer sites multiply, that I find others. Let my wife's grandparents die. Let her not worry about what she will wear or what she will eat. Don't shout at me. Let her stop her sarcasm. So that we can visit Belgium together. I don't care what people think of me. Help me stop the sexual allusions. Help me tell the truth to everyone, especially the doctors and nurses. So that I can escape from the hospital. That I don't fear any man. That I stop moaning all day. Let me forget my pride before God. Let my wife accept that I post prayers. Let me stop being tempted by lying, and lying to my wife. Let me and my wife be in love again. May we be able to rediscover our previous relationship. Let my wife forget and forgive what I said during my crises. That I am interested in sport and soccer. May I regain my virginity. Let me stop being paranoid. Help me fall asleep before midnight. May I be more grateful to you, Lord. May I rest. That I respect others. Let no one disrespect me or make fun of me. Let no one threaten me. Let everyone accept my runaways. Let no one see me read my Bible. Let no one think that I am not taking care of others or my house. Let no one lie to me anymore. May I no longer be angry with the hospital. Let no one think that I give too much space to my faith. That I am no longer afraid of not succeeding. I apologize for making fun of the church and Christianity in my youth. Let me stop defending my wife. Make my wife my sister in Christ. Let me not be disgusted with life. Forgive me for my lack of moderation in my youth, help the world to forget it and to forgive. I regret having followed the passions of my youth. Help me get away from unhealthy conversations to go to rest. Help me dress well for certain occasions. I regret having been fused with my wife. May regret and repentance be the life of my wife and the world. If she leaves me, we get back together quickly. That I'm not afraid to offend or hurt her. That we can divorce. Let me forget my past professional and school experiences. That I no longer fear divorce. Let my wife look like American Christians and I look like American Christians. That I am no longer afraid to go and see my emails. May my brother, my father, my sister and my mother find their ways, their hope and their happiness. Let neither me nor my wife be adulterous. Let me take care of my parents when they are old. That I repent for wanting to leave my wife. Let me wake up early. That I do not accept divorce as the head of the family. May I not be bereaved. Help me to evangelize at my workplace. That I have no animosity on FB or the Internet. Let me sort FB. That I'm not trying to expose people's nudity. That I am not intimidated by people, artists ... That I have no more cause for grief. May I forgive arrogance and mockery. Let my wife be baptized, let her not be a prostitute. That she doesn't just believe in doctors and drugs. Let her not think that submission is slavery. Let me forget my cowardice. May I never be drunk again. That I can love everyone, all the time. May I be silent before the Lord. I respect and love animals and nature. That I can pray from my phone. Let no one think that Christianity is invading me. Let no one call me too late. May I walk around N. Let me understand nothing and no one except God. So that I can evangelize at my workplace. I don't hate blacks, arabs or asians. May I not have a vague soul. Don't be afraid that we will see MF. That I am not nostalgic, melancholy, that I do not feel spleen. That I stop looking at women, that I don't flirt or flirt. Let her not care about my appearance. May my heart not get carried away. Let me do white competition subjects. Do not be afraid of waiting. That I don't calculate my sleep. Don't be afraid to sit next to people. Whether I'm not sweet, obsequious or honeyed. May I no longer have AS images in my head. That I don't idealize LL and DS. Let me know the joy of the S, may I not be inhibited or confused. Let the weather be fine. May I not be obsessed with literature. Let her be subject to me, respect me and love her in return. May my mother be subjected to my father, that she respect him and that he love him never return. Let me not get bitter against her. Let her not be rebellious. That I am not ashamed of my mental problems. Let everyone accept that I go to Rennes or Nantes. Help me not to return to Poitiers. May his heart be cleansed from all iniquity. May I be sober in words, in thoughts, in my heart. May I not have frustration, repression. Make me enjoy my life in Poitiers with my wife. Help me to atone for my faults with her. That I regulate my emotional needs. Let me learn songs of praise, to praise our God. Let her stop thinking that I am obsessive, let her be purified of all iniquity. Let me be a handyman. May I not be sexy and a seller. May I not be impatient. May I no longer be afraid of animals. Keep my privacy and that of the world, Lord. May I be adventurous and a gentleman. I don't care about the ambient noise. May I deny my culture of lovers and adultery. May my Breton family be blessed. Let me suffer the anti-Christian insults without flinching. Help me suggest outings for my wife. Let me make the sign of the cross. Let me read good books and see good movies. Let me be fond of classical music. May I not be impulsive. Let my body and my tongue be restrained. i love to pray. Let us find the right divorce plan. May we be accommodating. May I not be deprived of resources Lord. Let the separation not torment me. May I not be afraid of children. I like the friendliness. May I not suffer the shame and stigma of divorce. May I not cultivate hatred of neighbor. Let me expect nothing from the divorce. Let me not be dramatic nor it. May I celebrate good things. May the divorce not be fatal. Let me not mourn. Let me not do black or cynical humor. Let everyone drive slower. I repent of having bet on my couple. That I don't feel abnormal. Help me understand why she hates me. May I not be pretentious in interview. May I honor my mother. May I not be depressed. May I honor my mother. That I don't doubt God's plan for me. Let no one force me to take treatment or have medical follow-up. Let her not take advantage of me. That I can get financial benefits. Let me forget the S. Let me do DB. May I savor life and my identity. Let me not feel isolated by my beliefs, let me find other disciples. Let me not feel ridiculous. May I make offerings, burnt offerings and sacrifices to our Lord. That I stop contacting her constantly. Help me insist on favors. May I not be ashamed to love. May my soul not be sad or downcast. I repent for EDJ and C. Let me cut LS and LL. I repent of having RDAS and D and drank excessively and V or been sick. Let me explain domestic violence against women and children. Don't be in a hurry in the car. May I repent of my fascination H. May I repent for the SA. I repent for my sputum. Let me repent for my piercings. I repent for the swimming pool, for the S, the H, the R, for the idealization of the sport, of the S. I repent for the minor sex. May I not be putrid. Let me move. Let me dress in bags and ashes. Let me sing and play just and harmonically. Don't be stuck. Let me endure the misery of the world. May I be exemplary. I repent for making fun of R, B, F, N, C, P, S, P, PP. I repent for the EC. Let me be P and V. Let me not make fun of M. Let me forget the sexy ads. That I don't hate other musicians. Let the FNTP and be MAF. Don't let my parents hurt me. May I have no more pain. I repent of having E no matter how. I repent of having watched PR and BDP. That I regret what I told him, that I am not stubborn or unfair. Let no one think that I only think of myself. Let no one think I will be sad. Let her understand that I don't need treatment, doctors or a hospital. I hope that she comes back. So that I can go back to live at home. May I not be a thief. That we can still CE. May I be a dreamer and a writer. That I visit museums, exhibitions and libraries. Let me say salsa. That I am interested in art. Let me spend less money. Let the world think that I have mastered the situation and the actions. Let me forget my PDC. Let me forget the shocking things, the SC. Help us stay friends, maybe do a legal separation. and remarry us. Let no one I know be New Age. Let me not speak badly to him. That I am close to my Breton family. Let me install an ad blocker. Let her no longer be angry with me, forgive me and forget. May the world inspire respect in me. May I be good at telling stories. That I forget my studies of history, geography, psychology, Spanish, journalism ... That I can lead groups. May I be well organized and present well. Let me be manual. That I am good at cataloging and that I know the cultural practices of audiences. That I do not think that the FQ or that they have the same needs as me. May I not be a psychologist. I'm not talking about sleep anymore. Help me to understand why I am attracted to LS, Lord. Whether I look away from unclean things, men or women. That I find a beautiful house. That I do not apply for any job. May I not deceive my heart. May I be a poet. Let me look away from my body, from the flesh, from LS. May I not be incontinent. May I be incorruptible and immortal. Direct me, Lord. Let me spend less money on gas, O Lord. - I pray for our future children, that they may know the joy of the gospel of Christ! I would like to have a child with my wife. I also pray that we will stop smoking myself and my wife. Likewise, may the Lord assign each of us our mission, our call! I pray that a balance will be found in our home, that my wife will prepare to be a housewife, that she will accept my authority, that she will submit to me, that she will do the dishes, the laundry and that she tidy up our house. Let me be less helpful. I pray that she will stop trying to please everyone and stop dressing according to the flesh. I would also like her to change jobs. May she be healed of all her wounds, emotional, physical and spiritual, may she be happy and content with me. May she be grateful to have me. Let her accept my kisses, my affection, my hugs ... Let her not find that I stink. Let me stop fantasizing about hippies. Let me express and forget the raves gone and the drugs. May my family and my wife not reject me. Help me to atone for all my misconceptions about sleep, help me to calm my anxieties. I pray that March will come soon. May I not be afraid of my American family and the Americans. May I no longer be impressed by my wife and her family. May I no longer be linked or attached to my wife. Help me to ask for help, help me to accept to cry, so that I can fill the black hole and the emptiness in me. Don't let my wife tell me that I'm crazy or stupid. Let her stop telling me that I'm an asshole and think about it. May she never dig into my things. May my family get along well, have a good time together and may I be reconciled with them. Let me be a critic of films and books. Let me know how to appreciate food and refuse it. Let me stop being mad at my wife. Let my family go to church. Let my wife forget my old sinful life. Help me make supplications. Help me to be faithful to God. Help me to get closer to the Church, to be contacted by one of them. Let my wife not give me affection "on condition that ..." That she always come with me on vacation. Help my wife accept that I am no longer taking my treatment. Let me stop being jealous. May I better respect the 10 commandments. Help me stop being self-destructive. Make sure I have the guts to stop eating at all. May I kneel before God to implore him. Make sure I take care of my wife. Let her accept my personality change for God. May she never separate or ever divorce me. Lord, I'm waiting for your help. Let her stop accusing me of making her lose her faith. Let her stop getting angry. May my wife no longer feel guilty. Help us to no longer be sadomasochistic. Don't let my parents get me involved in household chores. Help me take my car to go to Brittany tomorrow. Let me stop cutting my nails and brushing my teeth. Let me stop feeling dirty. I repent for my exposed nudity. Help me to stop thinking about my past sins. Let everyone see that I am happy. Let me be less suspicious and see the Truth. That I no longer fear my parents. I have empathy for everyone. Let my wife mistreat me and I am no longer afraid of persecution. That I no longer fear the power of my wife. That I don't regret my clothing choices. Let me recontact my friends from Bressuire. May I evangelize well. Let me tell my parents my truths. I regret that I got married and went out with my wife. I repent of having used clothes to show my identity. I repent of having shown my nudity to my parents. Help me put on a suit and tie. Let no one blame me for not taking care of me. Let me get into good habits, just like my wife. I repent of meditating and looking for heart coherence. I have a lot of children. I repent of having believed in the love of men. Let me stop my resentment against girls. Help me not to fear Poitiers anymore. May I give alms, sacrifices and burnt offerings. Let me deny my past as a disbeliever. Help me put an end to insane conversations. Help me to be humiliated, to be beaten. May my father be a good head of the family. May he not get angry, may he not be too hard on me. May my wife and I be one flesh. Let everyone accept that I settle in Brittany. That I express my youth conflicts with my parents, my desire for a scooter. That I don't regret my university or professional career. Let all women avoid immodest and dishonouring outfits. That I can hear and listen to people's opinions without being hurt. Let everyone forget the idea of ??therapy for me, except God. I don't hate Catholics. Let me know what's going on in the world. May I have sweet dreams. That I am no longer afraid of the waves or my cell phone. Let everyone forget the idea of ??mutual consent to divorce. That I don't doubt myself or my beliefs. Help me not to be afraid of the Lord but to make him my friend and my ally. I don't fear the Devil. Let me repent for having ruined my father. Let no one think that my wife commanded me or that I was suffocated. Stop talking to me about outdoor activities. Let her not go where I cannot find her. Let none of my loved ones know about divorce, let all those who are separated get back together. May my wife have mercy on me. Let me take my choices. That I can invite people to the restaurant and pay shots. Let me resist the call for food. That I am not afraid in the car, to forget to close. I repent of having shaved myself ZI. Let her say that I don't think it matters. Don't be afraid to work and earn money. That I don't run after wealth. May I only have hope in God. May I not be afraid of motivational interviews. That we can have double accommodation. May I not be afraid to show my talents. May I not confuse love with other things. May my wife be my glory and may I be the glory of Christ. Do not be afraid to send in applications. That I always have a place to connect my PC. May I have a child's heart and simplicity. May I be consistent in my attitude. That I can E. That I can make allies in faith. That I can sleep with other people. May I no longer introspect. Never go to jail, pay no tax, owe my wife nothing. I repent of my humor N. Let no one be afraid that I will convert and become a saint. May I be proud of my family and my couple. Let everyone lose weight and be holy. The judge should not contact any doctor. Let her be simple in heart and mind. I don't hate the pope. I repent for the SI, for the APB, for the PDL with DF ... That I distinguish heresies. Let me stop P and PP and P. Let me forget SE, SP, LE, CP ... Let me forget Freud and his thought, CDO, C, J ... Let me speak of gratuitous violence. I listen to any style of music. May I not be cannibalistic. May I no longer have unclean temptation. Let me forget my traditions. I hate LF. Let me forget about AR. May I be an artist, a painter. That I do not hope for evil. May I be more prudish and puritanical. Help me not to be too digitized. Let me read more. That I am interested in sportsmen. May I be a patriot and proud of my country. May I be forgiven all the time. I don't watch the FDF. May I not be bored in society. May she not be at peace with her decision. May I not be a racist from the CDP. May I be docile to the Lord. Let me know authors, filmmakers, musicians, artists ... Let me forget Nietzsche and the philosophers. Let me not be jealous of people who have a job. Let me not be lazy or sleepy. May I touch Christ. Let me forget my knowledge of stretching, relaxation, medicine. Let me take care of her. Let me forget my psychiatric knowledge, on drugs, on anorexia ... Let no one prevent me from moving or hold it against me. That I forget my knowledge of breathing, postures, yoga, chi-gong, martial arts, mantras, stones, tantra, sects, other religious, emotions, sensations, stress, l , heart coherence, thoughts, well-being, tears, sadness, digestion, hormones, anger, brain, memory, education, my studies, my family heritage, S, love, evil, New Age, personal development, meditation, spiritual retreats, relationships, smiles, laughter, children, writing, speaking, money, hair, P , literature, cinema, art, P, music, digestion, languages, F, sport, administration, D, tobacco, alcohol, cars, heart, death, body, identity, skin color, origin of humanity, marriage, divorce, money ... Let me follow the press, the radio and the TV. That I don't laugh at everything. Help me take notes of my readings. May I be good at communication. That I don't despise the EC or the PC. I forget, neuroscience, aromatherapy, atrsology, aqua therapy, reflexology, NED, MR, CA, AJ, FM, fatigue, tai chi, reiki, energetics, magnetism, the bonesetters, clairvoyance, quantum physics, magic, jogging, radio, medicine, massages, obscurantism ... May I not be jealous of young people. Don't let my thoughts jostle. Let me go to Canada. Let me be a missionary. Let me not be conspired. Let me say hello. Let me watch sermons. Let me surround myself with Christian authorities. May I not be exiled, deported. May I not be homophobic. May we both be virtuous and may she be my crown. Let me stop DMC. May I announce the good news of the kingdom of God. Let me be strategic. That I respect the speed limits. May I not be an opportunist or a careerist. Whether I am against euthanasia, F, G, P ... Whether I am competent in IT, office automation, Internet. I can manage a blog, the Semantic Web, electronic devices, a thesaurus, bibliographic records, classification, coding, equipment, poldoc, cultural actions, animations, storage, exhibitions ... Let me forget the N in BD. Let me carpool. May I be faithful, have zeal and do good works for the Lord. Let me take public transportation. - I also ask for the grace of Jesus to help me with my computer problems, to help me invest in music (playing the guitar) and recover my memory, a good rhythm of revisions and to manage well with test methodologies. I also pray to really improve in English and one day live in the United States. I ask the Lord to help me get out of my house to work and that I stop falling asleep again in the morning ... I would like to give our Lord all my addictions, tobacco, alcohol and all other drugs and my old addiction to pornography and unclean thoughts. That I never fantasize about other girls again. Let the images of women, pornographic and insulting disappear. Let me die quickly. May I forget and atone for my past romantic relationships, all my past wounds. May I have no hard feelings, forgive and love everyone. May I be very attentive and kind to others. With my wife, that we never moan again, stop complaining and never get mad at each other. That we always manage to resolve our conflicts as quickly as possible. That I stop being afraid of my wife when I go to Rennes, that I do not fear her. Let my wife do the dishes and stop writing the shopping list. Let my wife manage the laundry and organize the clothes. Thank you for helping me with my emotional and spiritual wounds. Let me stop looking at my sister. May I no longer be spiteful and stingy. Let my wife keep quiet a little more. May all women be subject to their husbands. How well I play music. That I avoid the low blows. That I stop making muddy jokes. Don't let my wife hold back the bad things that are said to her in her heart. Let her not be afraid of anything like me. Never return to the United States. Let her stop thinking that I'm mean but see me as the best man on Earth for her. I pray not to fear it. That we can have many orgasms in our lives. That I can have a good image of divine love. Let me be less formal, less legalistic. I never consider divorce or separation from my wife. Help me find a group of prayers. Help me have a strong mind. Help me have a good party for my wife. Don't ever argue with my wife, let her listen to me. Make my wife and I independent. Let me stop loving violence. Let me stop behaving guilty. Make sure that my discharge schedule is respected by the hospital and that I don't stay there too long. Help me to no longer be attracted to Africans and Asians. Let me stop trying to please everyone. That I can open my heart to people more easily. I regret not having gone to settle in Brittany earlier. I regret having stolen my parents' money. I pray not to favor anyone, including my wife. I pray that my family will move to Brittany. Help me not to be destroyed by what my wife tells me. I pray that I will desire nothing but God. That I am 100% heterosexual. Help me post verses on Facebook. That I don't cut my hair anymore. Help me stop back pain. Let my wife be accepted by my family and vice versa. Let me forget vegetarianism. May my family be closer, happier and closer to God. That I have enormous faith in Christ, able to move mountains. May my parents be less green. Help me compose music, Lord. Let my wife and I find an agreement, let us be on the same wavelength. May my parents not want our separation. May we meet Christians with my wife. That I am not crooked, immoral, that I have no sexual temptation. Let me be celibate, if that is your will, Lord. Take away the original sin from me Lord. May I atone for what I did with my childhood friend. May my wife not shave anymore. Let my wife develop good habits of prayer and reading the Word. Let me get into the habit of cuddling. That I no longer think sexually. That I can talk about God with my wife, without getting offended. Take superstition out of my mind. Help me get stoned. I repent for hurting my wife. May I find the way to his heart. That I can slap her. Forgive him, Lord, she doesn't follow you. Let her repent of having asked for a divorce and forget about it. That I repent of having desired a woman, of having dreamed of women. Let me dress softly and let the world accept it. May our affairs as a couple not be leaked. Let me not hide or hide my sin. That I can talk about sex with my parents. Give our marriage a new start. That we can find new accommodation. May I be your Lord slave and the servant of all. That I do not panic when the stream overflows. Let everyone forget about my "illness". That I wash my feet every day. Let me understand my attraction to women. Lord, silence the voice of the Devil in me. Let me not be obsessed with water. That I don't demonize food. Let me not dwell on my misfortune. I'm not afraid of getting fat. I admit I want to leave before I do. May I not be pissed off by opinions different from mine. Let no one talk to me about the hospital. That I am not ashamed of my handicap. Let me stop sweating and smell them a. Let justice be my weapon. Let me not be an example. May I not be disturbed by the noise of the world. That I have no trouble losing money. Let me always feel safe. That I don't judge people for their work, nor unmarried people. I don't expect social acceptance. I refuse to exploit the woman. May I accept the course of events according to God. Let no one be indecent or immoral. Let no one mistreat me. I never sign the divorce papers. That I don't impose my choices on people. Help me settle the divorce Lord. May I be punished for my cheating. May I not give in to indignation. - That I believe in divine Creation and not in evolution. Let me be correct. Let no one be hateful to me. Whether I know how to receive youth in the library, or any public. May I not be put off by the hairs. May I be a good trainer, a good teacher, a good dad. May I no longer offer flowers. Don't be afraid of switchboards. Lord, take the snake out of me! That I don't fear SMS. Let no one think my car smells bad. Let my feet be light. That I do not feel misunderstanding and do not be misunderstood. May I not depend on anyone. May my mind not be young and weak. Let me know that everything is wind and vanity. That I'm not interested in gossip. May sin be dislodged from my childhood. May I not be deflowered. May I be pre-pubescent. I can convince her to come back. I don't hate sweating, pimples or blackheads. Lord, make me understand homosexuality. That I don't hate sex or my sex. May I be prudish and chaste with my hands, my eyes, my heart, my soul and my spirit. Let me be an angel. Let her not think that I write to strangers. I don't idolize MS, MC or MA. That I don't hate my body. May I laugh at misfortune. That I don't idealize marriage or AS. That I don't idealize LS, LF, VF, LM, LF, H, B, MG and LSF. I don't hate my hair. May I no longer be obsessed with sugar. Let her not be obsessed with discussion. May I not be an avenger. We don't communicate anymore. May I expect nothing from the world. May I not be judged by the heathen but by the righteous. May the Lord do away with divorce and separation, do not worry me anymore. That I no longer have a tight throat or a knotted stomach. That I don't idolize the youngest. Let me prune my prayers. Let me forget my porn culture. May I repent of my adolescent culture. May I no longer be ashamed of myself. Hear me, teach me Lord! Let the Internet go faster. May I be sober. Let me take no more car fines. May my heart be pure and free from all sin. Let me avoid fornication, let me be washed of it. May I repent of my adolescence. That I am not afraid to carry out God's plan. May I not return to Bressuire any more, may I not stop at Nantes. Let everyone do what they have to do. Let me know how to judge good and bad. Don't turn the knife in the wound. May I not be afraid of young people. Don't be afraid of the unknown. That I don't judge people on their social background, behavior, ethnicity or appearance. That I am not afraid to live in community, to leave my home or to lack affection. Leave me in peace with my job search. Examine me Lord and atone for my sin. May I not be haunted by the violence of the past. May I not be complexed with foreign languages. That I can play several instruments. May my heart be natural and simple. I don't care about her. That I can make friends. Let me not give in to pressure. That I respect my commitments. That I don't mind sharing my room and my bed. That I do not idealize the JF. I don't hate the Virgin Mary and the saints. May I not know the tribulations in the flesh of marriage. Let me understand the language of other generations. Let no one be improper, indecent, dishonorable, immoral or immodest. I pray with incense and with thanksgiving. May I never have pimples or blackheads again. Let me admire the Creation of God. May I have compassion and emotion for all. May I do him no more service. Let her be disgusting and unjust with me. Let her not contact a judge, or my parents. Let her not tell them anything. Let her not be cruel. Do not curse anyone, do not give in to anger or wickedness. Let me be indignant. Let her no longer blackmail me. May I die with dignity. I don't want anyone to die. Let her become pregnant and be touched by the Holy Spirit. Don't hit anyone, don't fight. That I use other means of transportation. May I not anticipate work too much. Let her play Nancy Drew and flourish musically. I don't judge jogging. Let me smoke less. Let me be natural, without thinking. Let her call me. May I not be afraid for my life. May I often go to the sea. May I wish no harm to anyone, but may I bless. May I not be agoraphobic. I don't judge beggars. Let me take photos. That I don't judge hoods, the poor and strangers. Don't be afraid of being robbed. I don't ask for the rates. I repent of having cheated. May we be a perfect couple and family before God. Don't hurt me or hurt me. Let her not say that she doesn't care about God. Let her not think I'm keeping her hostage. May Christ beatify me and make me blessed. That I don't idealize SVF and VF. Let it not be scandalous or uncontrollable. Let me grow my hair. May I be subject to the elders and to the world. I hate Satan. That I no longer think of the PG. May she treat me well. Let me have a good idea of ??distances. Help me pray out loud or kneel in public, Lord. Let me forgive the harm that people do to me and not reproduce it. Let me forget the hours. I repent of being physically attached to us. That I don't fear shootings. That I smoke rolls and fewer blondes. That I update myself with social services. Let me forget degrading and unworthy things. I can't find anyone sexy. Let me know how to manage in life. I don't plan too much. I don't despise the little ones. May I not be condescending and concupiscent. Let me appeal to people. Let everyone know that I feel better without treatment and that I don't need it. Let her not hate me, let us not tear each other apart. May she be pleasant, attentive and kind. I need your grace, your love and your miracles. I repent of having despised others. I repent for indecency S. Let me be indifferent to women. May I lie down to pray in public. Help me understand why women attract me. Let my back be clean and healthy, as well as my face. Let my PC not slow down or die. Let the girls dress decently. Let me completely absolve my sins and regain my sight. May I be baptized. May I be part of the great family of God. I pray for the unity of Christians. May I be naive and vigorous. May we not be thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, may our names be written on the book of life. Let me invite the F. Let me not be annoyed. I pray for the help of the Christians of the world. Whether I live by the sea, whether I go boating or fishing. May I not have health problems. I pray for France, Europe and the world, as well as for the libraries. Let me forget what I said when I was hospitalized. Let her accept that I tell her about FLV, FLM, FLL ... Let her accept that I don't do them and that she leaves it to God. Let me look away the mind or the heart from immorality, indecency and temptation. That I respect V and modesty. Help me not to be excited. Help me translate my prayers. That I forget my knowledge of pressure, muscle tension, D, SAR, communication, life, death, fasting, shamanism, rhythms ... - Finally, I pray for a work and relocation project in Rennes and to avoid divorce from my wife at all costs, and that this risk be reduced to nil in our minds !! I would like her to come to church and read her Bible, pray by putting a veil over her hair. Let her family and friends reason with her. Let us never separate, not even in thought, let Jesus do a miracle, let her stop saying "it's over", let her never tire of me and our relationship, that we do let's have more serious discussion. Let her no longer threaten me with a divorce. May she be blessed by our Lord. Let my family and especially my parents accept my testimony and my reading of the Bible, I no longer want quarrels with them. Let no one think I have an illness. Let my wife contact her good friends and not her pagan friends. Let her not think "it will get better". Help her to understand that I am not mean but strict and fair, also help her not to exaggerate her words. That I no longer have pimples or blackheads on my face or on my back. Let me stop being jealous of my wife. May she not stay alone at Christmas, may she be happy to go to Paris. Let her not think: "You're the only one who treats me like that". That I have a good memory of the dates. That I stop saying sorry all the time. May my wife appreciate how I treat her, may she be loving and grateful and my servant. That I can fall asleep easily and quickly. That I never have the temptation to deceive her. Let my family accept it as it is. Help me to no longer be attached or linked to her. Let her not try to replace me. Let me stop losing the notion of reality. May I not go to Scévolles but to Mirandes. May my wife forgive Christians and return to the Church. May I have a clear and lucid mind about God's intentions all the time. Let my wife lose interest in gossip. Let her not give me orders. I pray to love homosexuals and transsexuals. Help us have the best Christmas possible. I can say "Thanks be to God". May my wife always be happy with me. That I never have the temptation to deceive her. May my family convert to God. Let people support me in my faith. Let my family get closer geographically. May I not be a corporatist. May my enemies be blessed. Let neither my wife nor I have more unclean spirits, demons, let them be exorcised. May my wife stop making scandals, may she be humble and not authoritarian, may she be a gift from the Lord. Let her stop thinking about our relationship. Let the storm calm for us. May we repent of all our sins. Let neither my wife nor I be tempted by any bad thing. Let me go and live in England. So that I can develop my knowledge in video games. So that I can learn the profession of librarian. May I receive the anointing of grace. I hate tattoos and piercings. Let me stop popping my pimples. That I have no insomnia, that I stop thinking at night. That I can pray at the table in front of everyone. Let me not be hurt when I am called a sectarian or when I am disparaged or slandered for my religious opinions. May I honor my father and mother and the elders. I hate pagans, disbelievers, feminists. Let me express my old political, spiritual, religious opinions. Let me be curious. I love children. May I not be picky about the French language. Let my wife ask me for advice in French. May I have a peaceful relationship with money. I hate tattoos and piercings. I pray for the right confession. Let me say "glory to God". Let me dance. May I be warm, kind and friendly. I pray for my aunt that she will be sanctified. May I not be obnoxious. Help me write. Let my sin be consumed in me. I don't know how to pray, help me to pray well O Lord. I have a lot of money. Let me make more Christian donations. May I not be revengeful. May my father no longer be a papa hen. That I no longer feel sick to my heart. May I no longer be a whiny child. Let no one believe in divorce. Whether my wife reverses her decision or is destroyed by divorce. That I never talk about the physical symptoms of my discomfort. I always have the Internet wherever I go. Let my wife never move and don't press me to move. That I have friends in Poitiers, in Brittany ... That I forget about pornography and old girls. May I not be intolerant. Let me forget my heartache. Let me not be contrite or anxious. Let me get my house keys. That I am not stressed or obsessed with time. Forgive me my dissatisfaction with you, Lord. Help me not to overdo it. That I don't show my weaknesses. That I am not afraid to present my achievements. May I not tell my life, but may everything serve my Christian witness. That I am not afraid of intrusions into my intimate life. That I use my laptop in the car. Let me not be scandalized or cause for scandal. May I and the world fear hell and divine judgment. Let me always say where I am. I repent of having been disillusioned when my wife needed me. That I am not afraid of changes in FB status. That I don't have a negative image of my father. Help me play music with my wife. May I not be bitter with my friends. That I never go to parties or to dating sites. Let me not be afraid of the grace of God, let me not be mocking, let me repent. I rejoice. May I be chaste in body and mind, that I will not commit infamy. May I not be ashamed of my parents. That I don't give in to sexual arousal. May I not be gritty. That I can call him late. I don't idolize MS or SS. That I am not superficial, that I do not idolize the FN, the FAs, the FM, the FE. Don't be afraid when she finishes working. That I am not rushed or anxious in my work, that I am relaxed at work. Let me not idolize MB, PDMB or P. Let me be a good heir. Let me be discreet. I don't feel the urgency. Let me get the remission of my sins. May I live in insanitary conditions and poverty. Let me forget the H, the B and the Sa. Let me stop the G and let me the G and the M. That I am no longer afraid of noises. May I be in communion with you Lord, through bread and wine! May I pray collectively. Let me not be afraid of what is said behind my back. Let it be consistent and decent. Let me no longer be introverted or locked up, let me manage to externalize. Let me be a beggar. I apologize for my mistakes. Let me stop refreshing the pages. Whether I'm not shameless, reckless or indecent. May I enter into a state of grace with you Lord! A big thank you to you ! May the Lord bless you abundantly! Lord, come soon!
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I have prayed in Jesus name that God will answer your prayer request according to God’s perfect love, will, wisdom, timing, grace, and mercy.

Let Us Pray: God Thank You. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for loving me Jesus. God I ask You in Jesus name bless me with the desires of my heart that is the will of God for my life and all those I pray for. God supply all my need. Bless me to prosper and walk in excellent health. Bless me to come to know You in truth, fall in love with You, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. God heal, deliver, and set me free of any sin, sicknesses, addictions, disorders, or unclean spirits that may be or is trying to operate in my life. God work on me. Wash me thoroughly. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let all the fruits of the Holy Spirit be in operation in my life. Bless me to fulfill my God-given purpose. Make me a success in Christ Jesus. God dispatch Your angels to daily cover, protect, deliver, and keep me safe from all accidents, evil, hurt, harm, danger, the plans of my enemies, and the plans of the enemy of my soul. Let no weapon formed against me prosper. Cause all my enemies to stumble, fail, and be greatly ashamed. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, those I am concerned about, and those I love. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Jesus. Amen. So be it!
Copyright © 2018 by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., BCPCLC - Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach -
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Praying with and for you in Jesus.

We can do everything Jesus did and more! We can speak; sickness leave in Jesus! Be healed by Jesus stripes! I am healed by Jesus stripes! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

You can copy and paste this to pray every day and share...

There is nothing that happens for us that is bad. All things work for our good in Jesus! Look at everything as good!

Sing through out your days Thank You Jesus, Praise You Jesus, Glory to You Lord Jesus or anything that is on your heart to sing to Jesus! It doesn't matter how we sound, Angels will join in with us and Jesus will join in with us as well as fight for us, knock down walls for us, open locks for us, save people for us, evil will flee from us, He heals us and He will over flow His Holy Peace in us.

Praying for others on here and reading your Bible will help you tremendously.

I wanted to commit suicide once, I even came up with a plan. Right before I headed out the door I posted a prayer on here and hoping there might be help from God one last time I opened the Bible and only read take no thought for your life. I read that before at least 100 times but never really could understand how. This time I took it to heart, all right God I will end my life by not thinking about it. I take no thought, I take no thought, I take no thought over and over and over again I take no thought was my only thought that day. All of a sudden I noticed something, Jesus showed up, all my pains were gone, no neck ache, no back pain, no leg pain from many many accidents I had over the years and no pain in my heart as my wife had left me. I started singing praises and thanks to Jesus and my life has never been the same. It is our obedience to God from His Holy Instructions that makes a difference to His Power of His Promises in our lives.

Be a doer of Jesus friend, it really makes a difference! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Search the Bible for Jesus' Promises friend, do them and claim them in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

Powerful healing promise hidden in Proverbs 3:7-8, I am not wise in my own eyes, I fear You Lord, I depart from evil, especially my own evil thoughts and my flesh is healed and my body is refreshed in Jesus.

Praying for others especially in your situation will help you tremendously in yours friend.

Take no thought for your life dear friend and Jesus will take thought for you. Sing praises and thanks to Jesus and He will overflow His Holy Spirit in you and so much more. He will fight for you and give you the desires of your heart.

Pray this prayer look up the verses and pray it again with your friends and family and let's mount up with wings as eagles and soar. Soar with me.

Let Us Pray: God I ask in Jesus' name, bless me to grow closer to You. I long for a more intimate relationship with You. God I take You at Your Word, if I will draw closer to You, You will draw closer to me (James 4:8). Show me how to draw closer to You. Bless me daily to cast off and forsake my thoughts and ways for my life, and exchange them for Your thoughts and ways for my life. Let me think Your thoughts and dream Your dreams for my life. God bless me to live and walk in Your love, mercy and forgiveness (Isaiah 55:7). I confess, I will take no thought for my life. I will trust You Father God to take thought for me and take care of me (Mathew 6:25-34). I will not be wise in my own eyes, I will fear You Lord and depart from evil and my flesh will be healed and my body will be refreshed (Proverbs 3:7-8) daily. Thank You Jesus for Your Promises! Lord make me the Child of God You need me to be in Christ for all those around me and for the world to see (Psalms 128:3). Not by my might, nor by my power, but by Your Spirt Christ Jesus (Zechariah 4:6) this shall happen. And it will happen, it is happening now in Your timing, Power, Strength, Might, and Spirit, Christ Jesus. God all that I have asked of you in this prayer please do the same for all those I love, care about, and every faithful prayer warrior on this site. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Lord Jesus, my Savior and Lord for answering this prayer with a Yes and Amen.

Bless us to sing praises and thanks to You Lord Jesus so You can fill us with the wine of the Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen.
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In the powerful name of Christ our Lord, In agreement Lord we pray, that all things are yes in our Lord and according to our faith in you, it is done,we speak life into our situations, into our lives, our families, that you are Glorified, Amen

Shalom, Heavens peace, nothing missing, nothing broken, complete! Amen
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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