MSC Prayers
Humble Servant of All
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm going through a lot of changes and to be honest, sometimes it's simple, other times it's very difficult. I made some very bad choices throughout my life, and it's by the Grace of God I'm still alive and I'm still able to do what I can still do. Praise God! Sometimes though, like this evening, something will remind me of something, and I feel sad. Please ask God to help me to deal with these feelings and realize, in the long run, it really doesn't matter. Things I've lost are gone, things I've thrown away are gone, but I have to remember and focus on the fact that I'm Blessed with eternal life because I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I need to pray without ceasing and I need to Praise God for bringing me back into Fellowship. Praise The Lord! Please pray for my family, loved ones, my caretakers and their families and friends, my dog, and all the folks I try to pray for. Please ask God to Bind the Works of the enemy from all our lives. Please pray that God's Will is being done in all our lives. I ask this in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. Amen. Thank You Father!