Dear brothers and sisters In Christ please ... Serion Dear brothers and sisters In Christ please pray people find Jesus In their lives and fully have them in mind body spirit, please pray for the world, and nation, please pray for those who are struggling with illnesses,diseases, those who are having abortions to change their mind there is always adoption, please pray abortion clinics shut down completely, please pray for those who are struggling addictions and being in bondage that they turn to Jesus and Jesus can change them to have a better life and those who gangsters to lift their head up and to find Jesus Jesus can change their whole mindset to believe and find Jesus and they can stop murdering people,smuggling drugs can be stopped,please pray for the bars that they shut down . Bars are not good . People drink in bars and then leave and some get in wrecks where they hurt their selves and other people sometimes leading to death, please pray for those at the bar to find Jesus and get a sober life , please pray for the army ranks that the people find Jesus if they haven't and get Jesus in their life , please prayfor the pastors and the Church congregations, please pray for the first responders, medical field,government branches to work under Jesus but also that they work letting Jesus guide them in all ways, please pray for those struggling with family matters, finances that they get okay with their finances, please pray for those who are poor and have no home that they find Jesus and Jesus can help them get a safe place and off the streets,please pray for those who are prostitution,and sex trafficking to turn to Jesus and change their life for the better ,please pray for those who are struggling with getting a job, please pray that we all remember your promises and your promises never change ,please pray for those who are doing ouija boards,any type of magic and spells , and those who are worshipping the Wrong God to find the one true Jesus and to get their life right with Jesus, please pray for those who are doing witchcraft that they turn to Jesus and stop doing crazy stuff , please pray for those who have been kidnapped those that have been found and those still missing please pray their family members turn to Jesus and let Jesus guide their life and please pray no one blames Jesus for what is going on with people. Please pray people find Jesus and lift each other up and speak life to each other and not to be stuck up or all about what we ourselves are going through but to help those who need Jesus and please pray for those who are getting bullied to find Jesus and let go of the hate blame bitterness and let Jesus come into their life and forgive and just to lean on Jesus more ,please pray for those who have been raped or fighting addictions and abuse mentally and physically and spiritual that they turn to Jesus and let Jesus guide their life for the better, please pray that people worship the ONE TRUE Jesus and not gold silver or statues. Please pray that my daughter alyssa lafitte will go to Church and go inside the church instead of hanging out outside the Church house .please pray for my son Alex lafitte to find Jesus and go inside Church they are 9 and 11 years old . Please pray that my family.will.get a healthy female puppy that stays healthy and dosent get sick as the puppy is growing ,please pray people love each other help each other that people stop judging others and go to people and just pray with people,please pray that people turn to Jesus and not hate or blame him for their life . Instead to turn to Jesus and never let go, please pray for those who are under devil attacks to just find Jesus and cling to him ,please pray that people take care of kids instead of abusing then or killing them , please pray that we never take a jesus for granted or his love or his forgiveness and blessings he gives us all, please pray for those to find a Godly wife and those to find Godly husband , please pray people turn to Jesus and read the Bible. The people may change what they think life should be but Jesus words and his promises never ever change no matter how old we are and that being gay isent of God you can read that in the Bible and that they turn to Jesus to see that being gay is wrong however they get right with Jesus and change their ways, please pray for those who are being abused to find Jesus and to find the strength that Jesus will give them to move out of that situation,please pray that people will turn to Jesus and no matter what they are doing to turn to Jesus for love and his guidance to have a better Christian life . In Jesus Name I love you all and please pray for this site and all their request even those nonspoken requests. In Jesus Name