Humble Prayer Warrior
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I ask prayers to the Lord that Raquel will be faithful, love God, truly repent and convert, go back to church, stop being an adulteress, be jealous/financial, break the yoke and honor the Lord... May she come back to Christ. May she not ignore me and be helped in the desert, help us with finances... Help us with finances. May she stop the lies and the liars stop lying. May rachel goes to church. I pray my neighbor is born again, she converts and repents. I ask for a prayer for the salvation of my family and my work, I ask for a prayer for the servants, deacres, pastors, choirs, evangelists, prophets, apostles... Good job, don't be separated. Help us with Covid, may the family repent and meet Christ, may Rachel read Bible and be ordened, may we work miracles, may we triumph over trials, may they stop divorce, may we be reinstated and welcomed. Help us with witchcraft. Help us with crazyness and finances. May they bless us and accept the gospel. Help us with submission and sleep, help Demas and the immodest. I pray for the irreligious and the profane, help us with fines and finances (D, B, I, D, P, R, B, D, CDE, H, B, P, B, P, T, C, VS, A, G, M, G, B, B, B, SC, D, A, C , L, F, E, J, M, T, DS, PC, MIR, MEL, P, E, VEL, UE, D, ES, EP, M, M, H, ES, E, M, C, E, P, E , A , C, D, M, CE, L, A, S, SJ, C, C, L, ND, EC, M, E, M, B, E, C, J, I, F, JM, NLA, I, JM, MDT, HUWSC, V, I , P, LR, M, B, T, B, , PED, P, EE, CE, N, R, , T, T , E, DS , N, B, N, JM, C? R, SC, C, E, RE, C, P, A, B, N, LR, MEL, C, L, G, B, G, S, B, E, A, P, PED, E, ELPDLE, P, H, ES, M, C, I, S, G, V, L, R, D, E, L, A, A, I, P, JDP, GP, E, P, G, C, R, LL, D, B, J, NDP, P , L, F, E, I, S, P, JC, C, I , D, E, M, A, E, NLA, B, C, D, AL, M, NLA, DS, H, P, H, M, J, A? D, E, E, R, M, M, U, LH, V, C, B, N, R, B, P, V, V, M, A, A, W, U, E? D, EC... ), for our finances, HUWF , HUWP1AP26A2C12 , HUDMG, HUWPIE, HUWPAE, HTR, HUWDADT, HUWA, HUWE, MPTYAU, HUWF, HUHJ, HUFC, MNBU, MTBMA, MSLU, HUBA, HUWPAF, MSBC, HUWC, HUWI, MSBAAHCDF, HUWS, HUWMC, HUBRAHND, HUNWOWE, HUW1C6, HUHOJAFR, MDSARLD, MWDHR, HUWF, HUW, MTDCIMR, MTSWT, MDCTCAE, hHUHQT, HUDP, HUWMDM, HUNHQ, MNRLMPLM, MTSWC, MHSVAMSHWMPRHG, HUWIAR, HUWGDJ, HUWPRHG, MJARR, HUNBAAHGEDT, MTSWMAW, HUNBLU, HUW2C12, MTHR, , HUWW, GUSGRAH, GUL, HUWFP, MWDBMUDMUB, MMR, GUOHAYP, MMR, HTBO, HUDR, MFPR, HUWJ, HUWOAAAQ, MTBH, HUWAAPAS, OLRLM, HULTWMASCIMR , HUWSA L, HUWTAG, HUDEP, HUWICAW, MTSAU, HUWA, HUHV, HUWJBRB, HUWL, HUDP, MSS, HTW, HUWA, MTSWD, RAOTM, HUW, HUWAAE, MTR, HUHGR, HUWWM, HUWFE, MTFY, MTR. HUGOFE, HUBT, HUWJ, HUR, MWPR, MLR, HUWSAS, MTSWJAP, HUWF, MTAL, MFAJR, HUWEDTAK, HUWIMCAJ, MPBALU, HUWCATAR, HUWM, HUWA, HUWCAS, HUHBFHUWF, MPSR, MOACR, HUWIAR, MNC, H<HUWR, MTSSM, HUWRAI, MNAR, MTSJOLM, HUWV, MNR, MNLW, HUWBOAD, HUNLW, HUWF, HUWIDMAM, HUWDAO, MBABR, MJR, HUWLOA, MCR, MTO, ELMDM, HUTFEAS, MVAPR, MVR, HUWF, HUWQ, HUWS, HUWQ, HUWAEAPATAP, MTBA, HUNBD, MAAPS, MEBL, HUSFFAM, MTSPW, HURAOOP, HUHRANC, HUWDT, HURK, MTW, HUWAT, HUWJDDCLAW, HUWC, HUHGD, HUWC, MTBC, HUWS, MTSCAM, MTSWM, HUWSAV, HE, MTSMAGMC, HUWMAA, MSR, MAR, MTWABK, HUWJ, HUWM, MKBNAR, HUBA, MTAPsAM, MADGW, HUHAACDPM, MEBA, HUHCDPCDM, HUWLAH, MTBGAOAW, MPLUABH, MPKY, HUWMAR, HURE, MFMASR, MTWABC, HUWD, HUWNBAB, HUWSADPAH, HUWI, MPBUF, MSCBTC, HUWO, HUNBH, HUWR, HUWLAH, HTBUWMTNNAPIMAFAL, HUWEDTAC, HTNPOM, MTBC, MTSBM, MTL, HUWI, HTDPOMADBM, HUNBS, HUNBI, MTAIDM, HUWA, MENDNAHHSG, MTAPAL, HUHL, MGGA, MTCM, MTSPU, HUWBASDM, HUWBFAM, HUWPDLI, MTSWPAA, may God protect you, strengthen you and bless you!!