Humble Servant of All
Dear Brothers and sister isn Christ. MY grandma, Schneider Vilmosné is very ill. Her bod yis deformed and her body is not aligned properly so she can get wast eout. she has been in hospital multiple times this year. she has fluid build up and cross syndrom and small bowel obstruction syndrome. muscle wasting osteoporosis and she does not open her eyes. she has demencia and has been bedridden for years. I am so sad. she is so weak. please pray the Lord Jesus Christ ha scompassiona ndheals he rbody for HIs Glory and by His power and that she miraculously has proper bowel movements and that her own body does not obstruct proper blood flow and bowel movements. she really needs a miracle. pleasep pray the Lord does all in His power to deliver hr form satanic bondage and to make her body whole and heal Her by His Holy stripes. Please she really needs a miracle. aslo pleas epray for her salvation for my mom and dads salvation and physical healing. my dad has gout and lung issues and bone arthritic issues. my mom has peridontosis issues and also heart issues bone issues. Lord Jesus Christ heal them. also pleas epray that we hae warm water and heaitng mirauclously and for my kidney issues to be healed. Please also pray for the salvation of my brother and also his wife and for them to find a good home In Ireland. theat they find a safe affordabel plac eot stay. God help them. Also please pray my dad wont be homelss again and that God give shim money. Lord pleas eprotect my fmaily form all evil and form all manne rof sickness and disease.f orgive our sins. Pleas eLord Jesus Christ do allin your power to heal all my fmaily members and to save them and please giv eus a better quality of life. please Lord keep us sheltered warm and clean . help us to bless others and help us to obey Yu only. Lord dleiver me form all idolatry.. me and my household and fmaily blood line. please hve mercy and dleive rmy whole fmaily blood line form generational curses. Lord Jesus Christ You have all the power. Please heal all the nations and dleive rus form all corona virus and delta virus and all evil. By YOur HOly blood. Lord prepare us for your comign . help me find my moms id card. help my grandma. Do all iny our power to give my granmda the best care possible best nutrition and do all iny our power to heal her and dleive rher from all manner of infrmity. And please do the same for my whole fmaily blood line and all pople. Lord please protect all christians form persecution. Bless Isreal and please may it be peaceful in Jerusalem. Lord Heavenly Fther, please heal my grandma Schnceider ilmosné. Lord please heal her and my whole fmaily . all on this site. please heal all the sick and save thos ehwo are dying hela them for Your Glory Lord Jesus Christ. Do all iny oyur power ot help us live for oyu oNly and guide us all force us all to do your Will. Help me find joy i doing your commandments. Lord Jesus Christ please heal my grandma by Your Holy stripes . Please heal all ont his site and their families too and gide them all with your holy spirit. Tank YOu brothers and sister sin Christ for yourprayers. with al my heart thank you