Mrs. Leelamma Raju
Disciple of Prayer
Dear Bro. Dhinakaran,
My elder son Rajiv got a baby girl having 8months old.she has born in London. At present she and her mother both r in India. her mother Anar , havingsome health problems.. while delivery her body become swollen and she took anti-biotic tabs. after comimg India she was having gidness, depression . treatment is going on. please pray for her good health and bless them to stay peace. please pray for babyalso to grow without any strugle,problem. my son will be comimng india on 13th Feb. and planning to go to Kerala and some other places. pl. protect them all the way where they are.I am also suffering from sugar, BP. and related troubles. I am planning to join my baby in young partners plan. when i can start that after completing one year or.... pl. reply me and pray for our family as I got a second son Sanjiv he also staying there with his wife Monica.
i am an old member Mrs. Leelamma Rajun having code no.160986.
My elder son Rajiv got a baby girl having 8months old.she has born in London. At present she and her mother both r in India. her mother Anar , havingsome health problems.. while delivery her body become swollen and she took anti-biotic tabs. after comimg India she was having gidness, depression . treatment is going on. please pray for her good health and bless them to stay peace. please pray for babyalso to grow without any strugle,problem. my son will be comimng india on 13th Feb. and planning to go to Kerala and some other places. pl. protect them all the way where they are.I am also suffering from sugar, BP. and related troubles. I am planning to join my baby in young partners plan. when i can start that after completing one year or.... pl. reply me and pray for our family as I got a second son Sanjiv he also staying there with his wife Monica.
i am an old member Mrs. Leelamma Rajun having code no.160986.