Humble Servant of All
Dear beloved church, the body of Christ, I kindly request wiht the highest of thanksgiving VERY urgent prayer for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné, Portscher Judit who is int he hospital. she needs a miracle healing fromt he Lord Jesus Christ for she has blood pressure problems (either VERY high or suddennly VERY low , particularly due to weak heart and deformations in her body hearty kidneys also need shelaing . experiencing fluid build up and needs healign in her heart arteries circulatory ssystem neruological system healign and deliverance of osteoporosis and spinal deformities and curved toes and fingers and also so she can blink breath properly hvae oxygen to all her cells and be able to move and have probler bowel movements without defromities and and obstructions. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. she needs healing to her heart for her heart to be strngthened miraculoulsy ( please urgent for she is weak) and to be able to eat and drink proper amounts and absorb proper amoutns withot fluid build u por small bowel obstruction syndrome and to be delivered of potential tumours ( potential cerebral diabetes insipidus) and all organs to be healed particularly kidneys and heart but all organs as well and in miraculous proper alignment of all her organs accoridng to the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be heale dof all cross syndrome and demencia so she can move propersl.y she has been bedridden for the most of 5 years.. but for 1.5 compeltley bedridden. this has cause deformities as well. pelase pray for her to be miraculoulsy healed. i love her so much. please pelase pray in agreement that God heals her.. all of her and dleivers her form all her sicknesses and diseases and heals her by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory by His power all thanks and praise goes to Him. Please pray God heals all her bodily disordrs and brigns order to all her flesh to obey the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ. please pray God delivers her of all evil spirits. Permantley for His Glor yby His power int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray the Lord Jesus Christ protects her and delivers her completley from all evil in the hospital and at all times and gives her th ebest treatment adn care she needs at all times according to Gods perfect Will and for her salvation and her faith to incrase in Christ and to truly know Him . and that all staff workign wiht her are guided very strongly by the Holy spirit and do God’s Will concernign her . Please also pray all the sick are healed there and delivered of all evil spirits by our Lord Jesus Christ. For His glory and for His praise. please pray the Lord sends thousands of Holy angels to minister strengthen her and all who are sic kin the world and all who are sick and please pray God does all in His power to heal my grandmother, Schneider Vilmosné by the stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ. Please Pray all her neurological system circulatory system heart and cardiosvaascular system all her heart arteries, ligaments adn aher whole body brain all that she is be mad ewhole in Christ. that the Lord uses her for His Glory and heals her and binds up alll her wounds, heals all her deformitites and the root causes of all her deformities and health problems and miraculously brings healign to all her cells miraculously and does all in HIS power to compeltley and permantley delivers her out of every satanic bondage and into the Lord Jesus Christ life savign power and life givign power via Himself the Holy One of Israel. that He does all of this for her does this for His glory. Please Lord deliver my grandma heart and life out of the devils hands and into your hands Lord jesus Christ but please prologue her life Lord her eon earth and please do so many years. Please my fmaily needs her and loves her sooo much. and please dleivery m grandma out of the devils hands forever and permantley heal and strengthen her body miraculously Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ save and heal my grandma miraculously including her deformed spine and osteoprosis and also heal the root causes of all her sickness and infirmities. Please forgive all her sins and deliver her from all of satans evil by Your Power delive rher form all that is casuign her health problems please Lord. Please Lord Jesus Chris tbrign heal to her whole beign permantley with Your Hoyl Spirit and fire. please keep her warm and help her breatha dn have exceelent blood pressure at night time too. please. Lord please do not allow her blood pressure to be too high or too lowe. strengthen her and giver her excellent amoutn of nurtition and make it so her body absorbs all nurtirents excelently. pelase heal all her sicknesses and the root cause of all her sickness please Lord Jesus Christ. For Your Glory by Your power reveal Your HOly ppresence to her at all times. Give her the desire to live. give her a strogn heart beat and strong clean arteries and veins. deliver her bowels form all obstruction and supernaturally align her body to be not deformed, including mending all broken bones by Your stripes She is healed. even her hipy! I belive! Please Lord let this prayer of faith not be hindered. Lord Jesus Christ do all in your power for her to reciee Your healing that you have purchsed for her by your Holy stripes. Please pour your Holy blood on her, deliver her form all evil curses and diseases and bring to life what is dead in her. int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. please give her a very merry heart. strengthen her so strongly.urgently. pelase Lord give her a merry heart . A very strong encounter with you Lord. Please let her know. Be iwht her now Lord Jesus Christ. make your presence VERVER strogn to her and clear to her. Please otuch her and heal her adn also reeval your self to to Her oh Lord. please! Please reveal your salvation ot herand please heal all her heart issues. please deliver her heart from all evil adn dleiver he body form all dryness. please strengthen her heart, give her faith in you an d couraget to beliv ien You and your healing Lord Jesus Christ. please touch all her cells Lord Jesus Christ and bring healing and strength to all her cells perfectly according to your Holy stripes. please was her in your Holy bloood. please keep her body temperature comfortable and warm adn send holy angels to watch her at all times and give her excellent posture and body position at all times Please Lord Jesus Christ. please deliver her heart form all evil int he nameof the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ give Grandé a VERy merry heart lifke never before. Such a merry heart because of your lovign presnece that she is instanteneously heals her entire beign her soul her brain body mind heart and miraculoulsy strenthgthened and dleivered form all satanic bondage by Your Love and helaing power. Please Lord od this for her now if your are willing for your Glory and by Your power. I belive Your love can do this. thank you Lord. please please i aks this miraculous instantaneous healing for her bod yin th ename of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ i ask this if your are willing to i beliv eiyou can in faith i ask you this of you. Please use my grandma very greatly for oyur Glory at the hOspital. My You be glorified. Please also even remove all metal used in her surgery and give her actuall hip bones and even teeth too int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask this for your Glory. For YOu are the great physician. I ask thisin the name above all names with Your Holy blood shed for the forgivness of my sins I ask this of you Lord Jesus Christ with thanks and praise to OYu forever. please do all in your power to give my grandma the healign you purchased for her when you died to give her eternal life. THank you Lord for doing so. YOu are the great physician. Please deliver her heart form all evil and give her the will to live. Please give her a VEry merry heart By Your power becuase of You Lord. Your Love heal her pleasr thank you Lord. Please!!!!. please dleiver Schider Vilmosné form all tumours and heal her skulla nd brian please Lord Jesus Christ. bY Your stripes heal her please Lord. and give her a ver ver ver very merry heart . please Holy Spirit come upon Grandé right now and heal her heart all her arteries and deliver her form all that is against you Lord Jesus Christ. please give my Grandé abundant life and healing. please give her a strogn desire to be healed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Please Lord give her a strong desire to be healed by you Lord Jesus Christ and faith that you are her healer. Please heal her and all that are int eh hospital. Please bring healing to all her cells. Please heal her Lord form head to toe and deliver her form all infirmities sickness and disease and deliver her body form all evil and all impurties int he anme of the Lord Jess Christ. HAve mercy Lord. please heal her bowels. Help hso she has no blockages or obstructions in her body so she can have proper bowel and all movemnt be restored to excellendt health. please heal her spine and all spine related and osteoporosis issues. pelase provide all that she needs fo healign and make sure she ets all that she needs for her healing. Please miraculouls yprovide for al her needs strengthen her heart adn please make her whol. Please heal her body . deliver her form all obstruction, tumours and heal all damage miraculpusly in her body. please restore her oyuth like the eagles. Alll for your praise and Glory. Please heal Schneider Vilmosné by Your stripes Lord Jesus Christ. please make her heart, heal her heart so she has excellent blood pressure at all times and heal whatever causes her blood pressure problems forever. please heal her spine and all her organs and all pinchened neveres. Please heal the curvature ot her spine. please give her the perfect amoutn fo nutrition food water everythign she needds at all tiems. the perfect amunts and please please give her heart excellent oxygen at all times and all her cells as well. Please Lord Jesus Christ do allin your power to heal her save her and prolongue her life here on earth and give her all that she needs for healing. may Your Will be doen in her life. thank yo for her. Please heal her. thank you for healign her with Your stripes. all glory and praise to You Lord Jesus Christ forever.. Please do not let evil come upon her. brign healign to her whole body and deliver her body ffrom all evil now and forever int he anemof the Lord Jesus Christ I ask. thank YOu Lord Jesus Christ. for healing her. Pelase touch all that she is Lord Jesus Christ and dleiver her from all evil and brign healing to her heart emotions will all her body. please heal her osteoporosis and the root cause of her osteoporosis . Please give Grandé a VERY merry heart. So that she has medicine to all her flesh. Please touch Her Lord JesusChrist an dgive her life an dlif ein abundance. please dleiver her body form acidosis and dtrengthen and give her perfect blood flow and perfect nervve function memry. please dleiver her form all dementia and make her whole in every way. please do all in your power Lord Jesus Christ to strengthen her heart. gve her such a emrry heart Please Lord. prolongue her life please bring her home healed holw and restored for Your glory for Your Glory Lord Jesus Christ. God bless oyu . please pra iyn agreement that Gid heals my grandma from all blood pressure and strengthens her heart all her body and delivers her form all her bed of sickness and heals her brain and fully heals her form all sickness and diesease. and delivers her form all evil by the Power of our Lord and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ