Humble Prayer Partner
Dear Almighty Father, I thank you for a blessed day. However, Father I am still wary and panic at being left alone knowing full well that the Holy Spirit dwells within me. Father my life has improved by leaps and bounds after I have started following your teachings and the scriptures. I praise you for that. Father do you want me to spend the rest of my retired days in not doing much? Father I want to be able to do something constructive with my time be it a charitable service, be it becoming a pastor, serving humanity, being a preacher. Something in which I can touch lives by bringing the hurting to you like you have touched my life and made it better. Father please give me a calling and reveal what that calling is. Father do I have to wait patiently until I develop all good qualities before you reveal your calling to me? Father just getting up every morning knowing that I can help someone would be something I would love to do, can you please guide me Father as to how I can get there. In other countries I think you can volunteer to help the elderly, in ### Volounteering opportunities seem to be disorganised. Help me Father, for I have my faculties intact and would like to help people/ living being and spread your gospel. Please guide me on how to do this. Lord it’s been a long time that I have been asking you this very question Father, do give me a response Father. Lord I am still very insecure never leave me, always hold my hand, love me and guide me. Please don’t ever abandon me. Please banish Satan and all the panic attacks and restlessness and give me calm and a lasting peace. Please bless ### and all other living beings. The world is hurting Father. Please help everyone Father. Father please, please do answer my question on how on a charitable basis can I make the rest of my life count for something by using it to help others. Please do not ignore my question Father, I ask for your help to help others, if that is not to be my future Lord I would be grateful if you would explain to me as any Father would to his child, why that is not possible? I love & praise you Lord In Jesus’s name Amen