Humble Servant of All
Dear all bro and sis in Christ Jesus. I'm asking prayer request for myself. I'm having cough. Throat irritation. Makes me feel coughing. Uneasy cough. I'm taking medicine also. And sometimes I do salt gargle also, and some home remedies drink for cough. But I'm not getting complete relief. I'm really tired of coughing. Everything hurts my head and stomach while coughing. Need your all prayers for my healing of cough, please. I'm unable to sleep at night also, even daytime also. Due to coughing. For a few days it's been. I haven't slept well. If I try to sleep, suddenly uneasy cough arises, I get up. My whole body gets so sweaty. I really want to get rid of this cough. Why it's not leaving me
. Tomorrow when I go to church, I might feel coughing. I'll be feeling uneasy. Coughing inside church around so many people. Every time going out is uneasy, either it's better to stay at home like be.
. My tongue also pains. As I've developed tiny wounds in my tongue. It pains when I eat or talk. It burns too when I eat spicy. So tense of all these things. One after another problem coming
. Need your all prayers.