They were chosen by God to follow Him and obey what He said. Come unto Me, I will give you rest to your troubled souls. So many are called but few are chosen. Be the one who Jesus has chosen to be a wonderful servant of the living God. Deacons from heaven are like precious gold, tried and true and serving Jesus with deep love for Him.
Battle weary in a dark world.
Tattered and torn for the sake of the Master of it all.
They continue to fight a good fight,
Till God will call us home to His glorious presence.
Brave, bold facing satans temptations.
Courageous and strong,
Jesus leading their way.
They are faithful and true.
As work continues on and on.
They surely think of the home over yonder.
Where there will be no tears to shed,
No pain to bear,
No temptations to face,
No more death to come.
Saints inmortal and fair.
Singing songs of praise.
Full of peace and joy.
Robed in garments of light.
Given to them.
By God Himself.
Now, when we arrive to the end of our road no one will feel the weight of the load we have taken, with Jesus help and grace we have overcome and now enter into the joy of our Lord.
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.
Heb. 3.14
Battle weary in a dark world.
Tattered and torn for the sake of the Master of it all.
They continue to fight a good fight,
Till God will call us home to His glorious presence.
Brave, bold facing satans temptations.
Courageous and strong,
Jesus leading their way.
They are faithful and true.
As work continues on and on.
They surely think of the home over yonder.
Where there will be no tears to shed,
No pain to bear,
No temptations to face,
No more death to come.
Saints inmortal and fair.
Singing songs of praise.
Full of peace and joy.
Robed in garments of light.
Given to them.
By God Himself.
Now, when we arrive to the end of our road no one will feel the weight of the load we have taken, with Jesus help and grace we have overcome and now enter into the joy of our Lord.
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.
Heb. 3.14