Dear Lord,
First, I must thank you for all your grace, mercy, miracles + blessings over the years. You've gone to extraordinary lengths to save me from my own foolishness.
Bless our Christmas Eve lunch with A + M. May they feel your presence even though they don't know you. May your light shine through me + B. May their hearts start longing for truth + meaning in their lives.
May they have a spiritual awakening asap. Please pour out your Spirit on them very soon, so they may rejoice in their salvation. Bless them with opened spiritual eyes + ears, + a mind filled with the understanding of your word. May they be gathered back into the fold with the rest of us believers, + enjoy eternal bliss with you in the coming kingdom.
I keep seeing signs of your soon return. Bible prophecies cont. to be fulfilled. It is amazing to see them unfold, just as you said they would-even if we haven't known the exact details of how they'll come about. It's giving many believers a sense of urgency to pray for the lost to be saved.
Bring to their minds Bible verses they haven't thought of in a long time. May they ponder those verses at length. May doing so give them a hunger for more of your word. May they hunger + thirst for righteousness, + feel a great sense of responsibility to search for you, so they may seek you while you may be found.
I don't know what false teachings might be appealing to them at the moment, + I don't really want to know, to be honest. Since A is teaching yoga, that philosophy may be influencing her. The studio she teaches at has all kinds of practitioners, although she focuses on restorative yoga. It doesn't seem as bad as some of the other stuff, but it is still a false teaching. May humanism + yoga philosophy + anything else that might lead them astray fill them both with a sense of emptiness, dissatisfaction, + a longing for a return to your truth. Expose the teachings of darkness to both of them for what they are. Rotate them out of this spiritual eclipse. In the meantime, may all the false teachings they're exposed to have no real effect on their spirits or souls. May their messages not penetrate their hearts to any degree or for any real length of time.
I ask again that you send them several kingdom connections to gently guide them back to you by influencing them in a very positive, impressive manner.
They've both been influenced a lot by what the world deems is the correct morality. Unfortunately, it is a deception. Our society is devolving + disintegrating d/t abandoning you. I pray they will realize this soon.
Protect them physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally + financially. Protect their livelihood, reputations, credit, personal safety, identities, etc. May they ditch social media. May they never be deceived, at least not in any lasting or harmful way. May they test every spirit to see if it comes from you. Help them to recognize + avoid situations that would put their spirits/souls at risk. Keep them away from dangerous people or those who will bring them harm or defraud them. Keep them out of dangerous or harmful situations. Keep a tall hedge of protection surrounding them, along with many angels. And definitely keep them away from any occult practices- May they have no contact with this, or want to!
May they awaken to the fact that time is running out for our nation + the world. Shield them from every type of harm. May they long to return to church. Pull them to one nearby that teaches the truth. May they also want to return to an active prayer life. May they see reminders of you everywhere they look, + know it is foolish to deny you are who you say you are.
Bless my relationship with them. May nothing interfere with it, even if we disagree. May we be forthright with one another, always respecting the other's opinion. May they not close their minds or harden their hearts.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts, + please deny the evil ones the victory. Protect their cells from a medical intervention they've been exposed to that appears to be toxic. May they not get cancer or any other horrible side effect.
In your holy name, amen.
First, I must thank you for all your grace, mercy, miracles + blessings over the years. You've gone to extraordinary lengths to save me from my own foolishness.
Bless our Christmas Eve lunch with A + M. May they feel your presence even though they don't know you. May your light shine through me + B. May their hearts start longing for truth + meaning in their lives.
May they have a spiritual awakening asap. Please pour out your Spirit on them very soon, so they may rejoice in their salvation. Bless them with opened spiritual eyes + ears, + a mind filled with the understanding of your word. May they be gathered back into the fold with the rest of us believers, + enjoy eternal bliss with you in the coming kingdom.
I keep seeing signs of your soon return. Bible prophecies cont. to be fulfilled. It is amazing to see them unfold, just as you said they would-even if we haven't known the exact details of how they'll come about. It's giving many believers a sense of urgency to pray for the lost to be saved.
Bring to their minds Bible verses they haven't thought of in a long time. May they ponder those verses at length. May doing so give them a hunger for more of your word. May they hunger + thirst for righteousness, + feel a great sense of responsibility to search for you, so they may seek you while you may be found.
I don't know what false teachings might be appealing to them at the moment, + I don't really want to know, to be honest. Since A is teaching yoga, that philosophy may be influencing her. The studio she teaches at has all kinds of practitioners, although she focuses on restorative yoga. It doesn't seem as bad as some of the other stuff, but it is still a false teaching. May humanism + yoga philosophy + anything else that might lead them astray fill them both with a sense of emptiness, dissatisfaction, + a longing for a return to your truth. Expose the teachings of darkness to both of them for what they are. Rotate them out of this spiritual eclipse. In the meantime, may all the false teachings they're exposed to have no real effect on their spirits or souls. May their messages not penetrate their hearts to any degree or for any real length of time.
I ask again that you send them several kingdom connections to gently guide them back to you by influencing them in a very positive, impressive manner.
They've both been influenced a lot by what the world deems is the correct morality. Unfortunately, it is a deception. Our society is devolving + disintegrating d/t abandoning you. I pray they will realize this soon.
Protect them physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally + financially. Protect their livelihood, reputations, credit, personal safety, identities, etc. May they ditch social media. May they never be deceived, at least not in any lasting or harmful way. May they test every spirit to see if it comes from you. Help them to recognize + avoid situations that would put their spirits/souls at risk. Keep them away from dangerous people or those who will bring them harm or defraud them. Keep them out of dangerous or harmful situations. Keep a tall hedge of protection surrounding them, along with many angels. And definitely keep them away from any occult practices- May they have no contact with this, or want to!
May they awaken to the fact that time is running out for our nation + the world. Shield them from every type of harm. May they long to return to church. Pull them to one nearby that teaches the truth. May they also want to return to an active prayer life. May they see reminders of you everywhere they look, + know it is foolish to deny you are who you say you are.
Bless my relationship with them. May nothing interfere with it, even if we disagree. May we be forthright with one another, always respecting the other's opinion. May they not close their minds or harden their hearts.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts, + please deny the evil ones the victory. Protect their cells from a medical intervention they've been exposed to that appears to be toxic. May they not get cancer or any other horrible side effect.
In your holy name, amen.