Dear Lord,
TY for everything you have done with this issue so far. Even though I absolutely believe in you + your word, I still long to see tangible evidence of answered prayer in A + M's lives. I've seen how you've intervened in my own life, time + again, so I should accept that you have your own timeline + it's different from mine. But that is human nature, I suppose.
It's esp. hard right now bc it sure seems like you are coming back soon. I long for A + M's salvation to be secured before that happens. The whole debacle in Afghanistan is likely to destabilize the Middle East + strengthen China, Iran + Pakistan, while weakening the US + the West in general. What an embarrassment for our nation! Now it seems that even those who once supported our current president are turning on him. They know he cannot handle the extreme pressure of the job. I don't want to see America delivered into the hands of our enemies, but that is an eventual punishment we will face if we don't turn back to you.
I pray that the leaders who do have some courage left will turn to you, pray, + rally supporters to pray as well. I'm thankful there are organizations actively praying for our nation + our leaders. I grumble about our politicians but don't pray enough for them. I'm trying to change that.
We must insist on maintaining our religious + constitutional freedoms. There's an effort to force people to reveal confidential medical info, plus take an injection that is experimental. We must preserve the right to decide for ourselves what to do about it. A + M got two doses + now the CDC is saying take a third. I'm worried it will cause serious harm or worse. Please intervene + reveal the truth to them so they will make wise decisions about this. Add many extra layers of protection to their cells + DNA so they will not be harmed.
Please have mercy on our nation, + work on the hearts of our leaders to resist facilitating the collapse of our country.
Bolster my faith + lift my spirit to trust you more. I know you can do anything. Squelch any spirit of fear that tries to make headway in my mind. As I learn more about all the proof there is that you are the great I AM, it boggles the mind that people still don't believe, so why do I have doubts about the outcome of my prayers?
A + M's hearts have somehow temporarily lost the ability to recognize your Spirit. Make them whole. Open their eyes, ears, minds, heart, etc. to willingly see you, confess, repent, + run to you. May many join me in this battle for their transformation, aided by your holy angels.
I really need wisdom + discernment on how to handle this matter. I want to witness, but A doesn't want to talk about religion right now, + I certainly don't want to alienate them. May others witness in the ways I cannot right now, + may my actions witness for me as well.
May nothing cause them to harden their hearts. I'm thinking that for now, it's best for me to keep loving them + not do or say anything that they might perceive is forcing my beliefs on them. I am counting on you to guide me in this matter. Also, please place strong Christians in their lives that will impress them with their devotion to you. May these people effectively convey many proofs of you being who you say you are. I esp. pray for a kingdom connection- a really strong, influential Christian who will play an active role in returning them to you. There are at least 2 Christians in their neighborhood; move them and others into their inner circle so that they can be ministered to.
Stir their hearts to long for a return to a relationship with you. May they note the absence of fellowship with you leaves them feeling empty. May your Spirit nudge them often, to seek you diligently + earnestly.
Let no harm befall them. Spiritual harm is what I ask you protect them from at all costs, but I also ask for a hedge of protection around them to shield them from physical, mental, emotional etc. harm. Tuck them behind my hedge, if theirs is compromised. Send extra angels to protect them.
Protect their safety, security, finances, reputations, credit, livelihood, etc. Give them a mind + heart that yearns for your truth! May they take responsibility to seek you + to read your word avidlyβ¦+ pray to you to reveal yourself to them. Protect them from all false teachings, deceptions, dangerous people, evil people, etc.
I am grateful that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, teaches us, prays for us, + intervenes in our lives. I am so thankful that righteous angels battle the wicked demons on our behalf, + protect us + our loved ones.
Fill them with a restlessness to seek you. May any false teaching or any appealing deception leave them hollow with longing for your word + a relationship with you. May they realize that nothing else will satisfy their souls' hunger.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts; from damage to their careers, reputations, or credit; from identity theft or cyber attacks; from damage to their home or property; from damage to our relationship; etc.
TY + praises for what you are already doing.
In your holy name, amen.
TY for everything you have done with this issue so far. Even though I absolutely believe in you + your word, I still long to see tangible evidence of answered prayer in A + M's lives. I've seen how you've intervened in my own life, time + again, so I should accept that you have your own timeline + it's different from mine. But that is human nature, I suppose.
It's esp. hard right now bc it sure seems like you are coming back soon. I long for A + M's salvation to be secured before that happens. The whole debacle in Afghanistan is likely to destabilize the Middle East + strengthen China, Iran + Pakistan, while weakening the US + the West in general. What an embarrassment for our nation! Now it seems that even those who once supported our current president are turning on him. They know he cannot handle the extreme pressure of the job. I don't want to see America delivered into the hands of our enemies, but that is an eventual punishment we will face if we don't turn back to you.
I pray that the leaders who do have some courage left will turn to you, pray, + rally supporters to pray as well. I'm thankful there are organizations actively praying for our nation + our leaders. I grumble about our politicians but don't pray enough for them. I'm trying to change that.
We must insist on maintaining our religious + constitutional freedoms. There's an effort to force people to reveal confidential medical info, plus take an injection that is experimental. We must preserve the right to decide for ourselves what to do about it. A + M got two doses + now the CDC is saying take a third. I'm worried it will cause serious harm or worse. Please intervene + reveal the truth to them so they will make wise decisions about this. Add many extra layers of protection to their cells + DNA so they will not be harmed.
Please have mercy on our nation, + work on the hearts of our leaders to resist facilitating the collapse of our country.
Bolster my faith + lift my spirit to trust you more. I know you can do anything. Squelch any spirit of fear that tries to make headway in my mind. As I learn more about all the proof there is that you are the great I AM, it boggles the mind that people still don't believe, so why do I have doubts about the outcome of my prayers?
A + M's hearts have somehow temporarily lost the ability to recognize your Spirit. Make them whole. Open their eyes, ears, minds, heart, etc. to willingly see you, confess, repent, + run to you. May many join me in this battle for their transformation, aided by your holy angels.
I really need wisdom + discernment on how to handle this matter. I want to witness, but A doesn't want to talk about religion right now, + I certainly don't want to alienate them. May others witness in the ways I cannot right now, + may my actions witness for me as well.
May nothing cause them to harden their hearts. I'm thinking that for now, it's best for me to keep loving them + not do or say anything that they might perceive is forcing my beliefs on them. I am counting on you to guide me in this matter. Also, please place strong Christians in their lives that will impress them with their devotion to you. May these people effectively convey many proofs of you being who you say you are. I esp. pray for a kingdom connection- a really strong, influential Christian who will play an active role in returning them to you. There are at least 2 Christians in their neighborhood; move them and others into their inner circle so that they can be ministered to.
Stir their hearts to long for a return to a relationship with you. May they note the absence of fellowship with you leaves them feeling empty. May your Spirit nudge them often, to seek you diligently + earnestly.
Let no harm befall them. Spiritual harm is what I ask you protect them from at all costs, but I also ask for a hedge of protection around them to shield them from physical, mental, emotional etc. harm. Tuck them behind my hedge, if theirs is compromised. Send extra angels to protect them.
Protect their safety, security, finances, reputations, credit, livelihood, etc. Give them a mind + heart that yearns for your truth! May they take responsibility to seek you + to read your word avidlyβ¦+ pray to you to reveal yourself to them. Protect them from all false teachings, deceptions, dangerous people, evil people, etc.
I am grateful that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, teaches us, prays for us, + intervenes in our lives. I am so thankful that righteous angels battle the wicked demons on our behalf, + protect us + our loved ones.
Fill them with a restlessness to seek you. May any false teaching or any appealing deception leave them hollow with longing for your word + a relationship with you. May they realize that nothing else will satisfy their souls' hunger.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts; from damage to their careers, reputations, or credit; from identity theft or cyber attacks; from damage to their home or property; from damage to our relationship; etc.
TY + praises for what you are already doing.
In your holy name, amen.