Dear Lord,
First, I need to seek forgiveness for my faltering commitment to you. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I get distracted + spend time on things that have no eternal significance. I consume too much news when most of it is very depressing + is of little benefit, aside from keeping me informed--assuming independent sites are trustworthy; I know the MSM is not.
I am distressed at what's happening in America but don't pray enough for our nation or its leaders. Please convict our leaders of the need to stand for our founding principles, instead of caving in to woke mobs. Some of our leaders are probably beyond hope, but that is not my decision to make. I ask you give them courage, too. A few have shown courage, but very few.
I pray for stronger faith, absolute reverence, full devotion to you. Just bc I have a lot of health problems does not excuse my tendency to laziness in some areas.
May I never waver in my faith or my conviction that you are busy working to return A + M to the fold. My this faith eclipse they're in be very temporary- I'm anxious for the surety that their salvation is secure!
Expose whatever may be wrong in my prayer life, so my prayers aren't hindered. Retain in me the urgency to pray zealously each day. Continue to lead me away from any inclination to sin against you.
TY again for the offering your precious Son to be a sinless sacrifice on our behalf. We are so blessed to have your Holy Spirit interceding for us! May I never take this for granted or treat you with less than the reverence you deserve.
May all my prayers always be in line with your will. I know it is not your will that anyone should perish, including my daughter + SIL. I know you are pursuing them right now, + things like this often take a long time.
In the meantime, I pray for special protection for them, + for you to keep their hearts open + soft. May they never harden for any reason, + may any deceptions or false teachings that have affected them be exposed, acknowledged + rejected. May whatever belief system appeals to them at the moment stick to their spirits only as long as a soap bubble.
Right now they have been conditioned to think that the world's way on a number of issues is "right," "compassionate" + "loving." May they never simply accept that the world's idea of compassion + perverted "love" is right, but know it is really a deception + a violation of your commandments + the created order that you established.
May all the demonic arrows being shot at them return to the evil archers who sent them. May they feel a sense of urgency to find out what the Bible teaches. May take recognize it is their responsibility to seek you while you may be found, + may they take the time to do so. May they also take note of the many prophecies have already come true, particularly regarding Israel-no other religion can say the same.
Keep your holy angels surrounding them, to ward off evil spirits + demons who want nothing but to destroy them.
Since A does not want to talk about religion at this time, I pray others will speak for me while I strive to speak with my actions. Move the Christians in their neighborhood into their inner circle, where they can become kingdom connections to help lead them back to you. May they drop many faith seeds at opportune moments. May they penetrate deep into their hearts + spirits, where they will take root + grow strong + bear good fruit.
Wake up their slumbering spirits! Open their spiritual eyes to see you; unstop their ears + tune them to your divine frequency so they will hear, recognize + heed your voice; open their minds to understand + gratefully receive your word. May they repent of any unwillingness to acknowledge you are God; may they seek forgiveness +joyfully embrace your word. May everything they've heard in church + confirmation class from years ago suddenly sink in + make perfect sense to them.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts; from damage to their careers, reputations, or credit; from identity theft or cyber attacks; from damage to their home or property; from damage to their marriage + relationships, including mine with them; etc. Keep a very tall hedge of protection surrounding them that no evil can penetrate.
I know you are already answering this prayer, in your perfect time. I will wait upon you, Lord, + trust you to take care of them.
I praise you + TY for your great goodness, mercy, + unfailing love. In your holy name, amen.
First, I need to seek forgiveness for my faltering commitment to you. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I get distracted + spend time on things that have no eternal significance. I consume too much news when most of it is very depressing + is of little benefit, aside from keeping me informed--assuming independent sites are trustworthy; I know the MSM is not.
I am distressed at what's happening in America but don't pray enough for our nation or its leaders. Please convict our leaders of the need to stand for our founding principles, instead of caving in to woke mobs. Some of our leaders are probably beyond hope, but that is not my decision to make. I ask you give them courage, too. A few have shown courage, but very few.
I pray for stronger faith, absolute reverence, full devotion to you. Just bc I have a lot of health problems does not excuse my tendency to laziness in some areas.
May I never waver in my faith or my conviction that you are busy working to return A + M to the fold. My this faith eclipse they're in be very temporary- I'm anxious for the surety that their salvation is secure!
Expose whatever may be wrong in my prayer life, so my prayers aren't hindered. Retain in me the urgency to pray zealously each day. Continue to lead me away from any inclination to sin against you.
TY again for the offering your precious Son to be a sinless sacrifice on our behalf. We are so blessed to have your Holy Spirit interceding for us! May I never take this for granted or treat you with less than the reverence you deserve.
May all my prayers always be in line with your will. I know it is not your will that anyone should perish, including my daughter + SIL. I know you are pursuing them right now, + things like this often take a long time.
In the meantime, I pray for special protection for them, + for you to keep their hearts open + soft. May they never harden for any reason, + may any deceptions or false teachings that have affected them be exposed, acknowledged + rejected. May whatever belief system appeals to them at the moment stick to their spirits only as long as a soap bubble.
Right now they have been conditioned to think that the world's way on a number of issues is "right," "compassionate" + "loving." May they never simply accept that the world's idea of compassion + perverted "love" is right, but know it is really a deception + a violation of your commandments + the created order that you established.
May all the demonic arrows being shot at them return to the evil archers who sent them. May they feel a sense of urgency to find out what the Bible teaches. May take recognize it is their responsibility to seek you while you may be found, + may they take the time to do so. May they also take note of the many prophecies have already come true, particularly regarding Israel-no other religion can say the same.
Keep your holy angels surrounding them, to ward off evil spirits + demons who want nothing but to destroy them.
Since A does not want to talk about religion at this time, I pray others will speak for me while I strive to speak with my actions. Move the Christians in their neighborhood into their inner circle, where they can become kingdom connections to help lead them back to you. May they drop many faith seeds at opportune moments. May they penetrate deep into their hearts + spirits, where they will take root + grow strong + bear good fruit.
Wake up their slumbering spirits! Open their spiritual eyes to see you; unstop their ears + tune them to your divine frequency so they will hear, recognize + heed your voice; open their minds to understand + gratefully receive your word. May they repent of any unwillingness to acknowledge you are God; may they seek forgiveness +joyfully embrace your word. May everything they've heard in church + confirmation class from years ago suddenly sink in + make perfect sense to them.
Protect them from all forms of evil; from physical harm + abuse; from spiritual harm or abuse; from disabling accidents, injuries, + disease; from premature death, esp. in unbelief; from hardened hearts; from damage to their careers, reputations, or credit; from identity theft or cyber attacks; from damage to their home or property; from damage to their marriage + relationships, including mine with them; etc. Keep a very tall hedge of protection surrounding them that no evil can penetrate.
I know you are already answering this prayer, in your perfect time. I will wait upon you, Lord, + trust you to take care of them.
I praise you + TY for your great goodness, mercy, + unfailing love. In your holy name, amen.