My daughter is almost 30 years old and is a drug addict and this addiction has taken over her life. She hasn't had a job in two years and is considered disabled because of her mental illness and drug addiction. She has continued to make bad choices and has ghosted the family over the years. I was ghosted for over a year this last time and had no idea where she was or how she was doing. I was hoping she was doing better. She recently was arrested and called me from jail out of the blue. Not knowing exactly what was going on I gave her a chance and bailed her out with the understanding she would need to be in contact with me daily and let me know exactly what she was doing if she left her apartment and she agreed. It lasted about a week and she started disappearing for a day then this past week she was not in touch for going on four days now, and she is still using and I know she is going to drug houses. She indicated she is addicted to Fentanyl now and has been committing burglarly and petty theft to pay for her addiction with her boyfriend who is an ex gang member and a crack baby and is also an addict. He is in jail right now. Its not a good situation but she isn't making things better and continues to lie about what she is doing thinking she is somehow pulling the wool over my eyes. I have had to make the hard decision today to have her bail revoked and send her back to jail which she doesn't know yet and will find out tomorrow at her first court date. I know it will probably damage our relationship short term but it beats stressing out daily if she is going to contact me or I will get terrible news that she was found dead somewhere. I feel this action will ultimately save her life. I have thought long and hard about this and I can't just do nothing because if the worst did happen I don't think I would be able to forgive myself for not putting her back in jail where I know she has no choice but to be sober and away from the possibility of overdosing or slowly killing herself. If that means she doesn't speak to me then I can live with that as long as she is still breathing and getting better. Please pray for my daughter and her soul. She needs all the help she can get to break free of this nightmare evil addiction. She says she wants to stop but then turns around and continues making terrible decisions. This is a nightmare no family should have to face.