Humble Prayer Partner
Daily Prayers... March... 15th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - the evil people has planned things for this week... and THE NEXT... and... anyway... JESUS please FRUSTRATE + NULLIFY all effects of these plans and the effects from PREVIOUS plans against ME and MY MOM + make all plans against ME and MY MOM, IMPOSSIBLE to be put on practice... guard and protect ME and MY MOM... Transform all things into ou ( ME and MY MOM ) favour, starting in RIGHT NOW... JESUS please DO NOT stop transforming things into ME and MY MOMS favour... Wide open the eyes and ears of the evil people for SEE and HEAR, INDEED, 24/7, MATERIALISED right in from of them ( evil people ) all YOUR Angels from HEAVEN in favour of ME and MY MOM... starting right NOW... and non stop... JESUS... Give YOUR cure... be FORTHWITH with the people praying YOU for FULL RESTORATION + COMPLETE HEALING of their lives... ASAP... please... For avoiding having some times during the day WITHOUT people praying... please consider creating a PRAYER CLOCK... THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS INTENSIFY YOUR PRAYERS... please... In The Name of JESUS CHRIST... Amen