Beloved Servant
Oh lord may your precious blood answer whatever comes from satan.
“O God, curse Satan afresh so that he cannot do what he pleases. You have crushed him in the garden of Eden. I ask You to curse him anew, placing him again under the power of the cross so as to immobilize him
“O God, Your Son was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. How we thank You, for He has destroyed the devil’s works on the cross. But the devil is now again working. Please destroy his work in us, destroy his manipulation over our work, destroy his devices in our environment, and destroy all his works.”
“O Lord, we now stand on the foundation of the cross, asking You to again put the devil to shame.”
“And shall not God avenge his elect, that cry to him day and night”
“I resist, I oppose, I do not accept such wearing down.”
"From now on, whatever it takes to walk in the reality of heaven, show it to me Lord, and I will walk in it. I will no more see death. I am determined to walk with you. What you say is what I will obey . What you command is what I will go for. In Jesus name."
"I am far above all principalities, I’m far above all powers, I’m far above all dominion, I’m far above all might, I’m far above every name that is named, not only in this world, but in that which is to come. Jesus raised me up and made me to sit together with Him in heavenly places, where no room can be found for the devil. Here is the verdict: Satan, you have no room wherever I’m seated! Satan, you have no room in my home! Satan, you have no room in my business! Satan you have no room in my body! Satan, you have no room in my children! Wherever I am, Satan, there is no room for you."
I am above everything happening on this earth - failure, disease, sickness, poverty, depression, frustration, rejection, barrenness, addictions, unclean thoughts and spirits, miscarriage, life’s threats, etc.Because I'm from above, where i am seated with Christ (Ephesians 2: 6), I am above all these things.
Satan get lost
Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. Reassure me of your promise, made to those who fear you. Help me abandon my shameful ways; for your regulations are good. I long to obey your commandments! Renew my life with your goodness.
"I have said, YE ARE gODS; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalms 82: 6
I am no longer human, I am superhuman, super, extra-natural.
I am no longer cheated by the devil
"Pharaoh, this is another Moses, the New Testament one. Now, get lost, in Jesus name!"
"Ye are gods." For diseases to obey me, for sicknesses to bow to me, for poverty, all lives troubles to give way to me,
I was once natural but now i am divine, because the life that makes for divinity now flows in me. Right now, whatever mountain i confront with this truth will obey me.
"I’m not made for trouble, I’m made for peace . I’m not made for failure, I’m made for success."
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill me completely with joy and peace because i trust in him. Then i will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 NLT
"I will no more be an object of pity." I see from now on blessing others , making others happy, not dying as a beggar!
I Don’t worry about anything; instead, i pray about everything. I Tell God what i need, and thank him for all he has done. Then i will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything i can understand. His peace will guard my heart and mind as i live in Christ Jesus. php.4.6-7.NL
And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
Acts of the Apostles 4:29-30 NLT
Thank you God for understanding me ¬ condemning me. Thank you for not giving up on me. I ask for your help, that I may become more understanding like you are.
Lord help me not to Harden my heart towards you. Help me to guard my mouth.
I rest in you lord and live at peace because I know you will take care of me and meet my needs.
Colossians 1:9-12 NLT
I ask God to give me complete knowledge of his will and to give me spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way i live will always honor and please the Lord, and my lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, i will grow as i learn to know God better and better. We also pray that i will be strengthened with all his glorious power so i will have all the endurance and patience i need. May i be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled me to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 NIV
With this in mind, i constantly pray that my God may make me worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition my every desire for goodness and my every deed prompted by faith. I pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in me, and me in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God make me steadfast and strengthen me daily for the work you have called me to do
Lord work in me in spite of my imperfections. Help me to boast in you Lord. Help me to pray for everybody and promote unity and harmony everywhere I go. Holy Spirit speak through me to others.
Help me to use my spiritual gifts, build the body, discern truth from error, speak the truth in love, and honor you in my relationships
Lord help me to love you so much that I hate the sin that I use to love. Lord give me your mindset and your heart give me all of you. I will not focus on earthly temporary things that try to distract me away. It's time to pass these test. Lord I will trust you regardless of how I feel. In Jesus Name Amen.
“O God, curse Satan afresh so that he cannot do what he pleases. You have crushed him in the garden of Eden. I ask You to curse him anew, placing him again under the power of the cross so as to immobilize him
“O God, Your Son was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. How we thank You, for He has destroyed the devil’s works on the cross. But the devil is now again working. Please destroy his work in us, destroy his manipulation over our work, destroy his devices in our environment, and destroy all his works.”
“O Lord, we now stand on the foundation of the cross, asking You to again put the devil to shame.”
“And shall not God avenge his elect, that cry to him day and night”
“I resist, I oppose, I do not accept such wearing down.”
"From now on, whatever it takes to walk in the reality of heaven, show it to me Lord, and I will walk in it. I will no more see death. I am determined to walk with you. What you say is what I will obey . What you command is what I will go for. In Jesus name."
"I am far above all principalities, I’m far above all powers, I’m far above all dominion, I’m far above all might, I’m far above every name that is named, not only in this world, but in that which is to come. Jesus raised me up and made me to sit together with Him in heavenly places, where no room can be found for the devil. Here is the verdict: Satan, you have no room wherever I’m seated! Satan, you have no room in my home! Satan, you have no room in my business! Satan you have no room in my body! Satan, you have no room in my children! Wherever I am, Satan, there is no room for you."
I am above everything happening on this earth - failure, disease, sickness, poverty, depression, frustration, rejection, barrenness, addictions, unclean thoughts and spirits, miscarriage, life’s threats, etc.Because I'm from above, where i am seated with Christ (Ephesians 2: 6), I am above all these things.
Satan get lost
Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word. Reassure me of your promise, made to those who fear you. Help me abandon my shameful ways; for your regulations are good. I long to obey your commandments! Renew my life with your goodness.
"I have said, YE ARE gODS; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalms 82: 6
I am no longer human, I am superhuman, super, extra-natural.
I am no longer cheated by the devil
"Pharaoh, this is another Moses, the New Testament one. Now, get lost, in Jesus name!"
"Ye are gods." For diseases to obey me, for sicknesses to bow to me, for poverty, all lives troubles to give way to me,
I was once natural but now i am divine, because the life that makes for divinity now flows in me. Right now, whatever mountain i confront with this truth will obey me.
"I’m not made for trouble, I’m made for peace . I’m not made for failure, I’m made for success."
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill me completely with joy and peace because i trust in him. Then i will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 NLT
"I will no more be an object of pity." I see from now on blessing others , making others happy, not dying as a beggar!
I Don’t worry about anything; instead, i pray about everything. I Tell God what i need, and thank him for all he has done. Then i will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything i can understand. His peace will guard my heart and mind as i live in Christ Jesus. php.4.6-7.NL
And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
Acts of the Apostles 4:29-30 NLT
Thank you God for understanding me ¬ condemning me. Thank you for not giving up on me. I ask for your help, that I may become more understanding like you are.
Lord help me not to Harden my heart towards you. Help me to guard my mouth.
I rest in you lord and live at peace because I know you will take care of me and meet my needs.
Colossians 1:9-12 NLT
I ask God to give me complete knowledge of his will and to give me spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way i live will always honor and please the Lord, and my lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, i will grow as i learn to know God better and better. We also pray that i will be strengthened with all his glorious power so i will have all the endurance and patience i need. May i be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled me to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 NIV
With this in mind, i constantly pray that my God may make me worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition my every desire for goodness and my every deed prompted by faith. I pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in me, and me in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God make me steadfast and strengthen me daily for the work you have called me to do
Lord work in me in spite of my imperfections. Help me to boast in you Lord. Help me to pray for everybody and promote unity and harmony everywhere I go. Holy Spirit speak through me to others.
Help me to use my spiritual gifts, build the body, discern truth from error, speak the truth in love, and honor you in my relationships
Lord help me to love you so much that I hate the sin that I use to love. Lord give me your mindset and your heart give me all of you. I will not focus on earthly temporary things that try to distract me away. It's time to pass these test. Lord I will trust you regardless of how I feel. In Jesus Name Amen.