Beloved of All
my dad came tovisit havent seen himin7 years and but he and my mom got in fight thats where i am and my dad left for abit. he has hear t condition and hasnt been in this country in several decades. please pray God provides money food shelter divine loving angels blessed visitation and travel and God rstores mypaents lives. asking God fpor narrital settlement and healing of mental and phycial disodres homonoalnerolougical. heal my of asperger syndrome andpossibly my brother too and B. healign of Da dmeoitnal disorde rheart valve astha. confusion maybe?? please Lor dmake his paths straight restor ehis didgnity belss him guard hi hear thought sfeelign emotins for lal peopel. ahela htos einjured pelase guide ambulance docotr sna dhtos ein authorits. hela my grandma cornead eye tissure dleivernce form dmentia. pleas hela my teeth and helame of insulinresistanc ena dmny grnamd too? ido no knwo whatthat occurs dleiver em form insulinc rsistance and hirsutism and typ one diabets step and al ifnecitons also for my whole fmialy too. pelas ehal my siste irn law in every away and brother and neice. giv edivine peefect blissful haypyp divine pregancy hapiiest stongest most beutiful baby boy my nephew son comginitno world. pelas eprovid ehomely food clothgin chelpterhelp my dad find whatevr he needs an dcheapest amsot free free food. Lor dpleas egiv ehims trnght helaignof osteouirposis dleiveranc eofrm crushed spirit and dperessed best wehatehr and eas yot find and figure out what needs ot be deon with his land lplots . Lor doyu knwo what his purpose his let hisOYur IWll be em car eofrmy grandma dleive rem form metbaolic acosis . hela my mom and da dand thie rrlaitonand ur fmaiyl inevery way hela al lonthis site. pelase souses formthe Lord ofr lalwhoa re waintign on him. pelas eprotec tm yhubby form the Lor dofrm evil and ma yyu giv ehim your eternla slavaiotn. if B is my huby form touy Lor dmak eit clear,.. or this is formthe devil. pelas elaos help me keep house and serve oyu Lord even when im exhauste.d pelase provide blessed tiem whenmy da id shere and may he have miracle slslign of land plot r soemhtign belssed ofmr land plots. pelas ehal my rgandma cornea eye couloru return heal my uncleof autism provid ebest acre for him protec thimf orm evil p,ease regorw limbs organs teeth gums bens in my fmaiyl resotr oeur oyuth and strenthg like the eagles and dleiveranc efrm all satnaic urses and power.s pelas eblss my fmaiylliek neevr before and dleive ruf omall evl. dleive rme form szilnรกk kosz phobia coorna phobia. end coornoaphobia cornovirus all plague shelala lflehs eatign bacteri amirculusly. pelas Lord tell em what to do LOUd and clear concenrign my own healht. i feel so tire form the high bos sugar an dmentla illness aphobia and giv em dicien wisdomand help how ot care for my grandma nd fmaiyl pelase giv em streght and help me to help them inthe way they nee dit,. pleas eldiever b form smokgin drugsa lhaula ddicito and poverty and ungoldy soul ties and friends. amy he be most faithful to Lor dal so my hubybformthe Lor d. Lor ddo alliynour power to joinme wiht hte man you want joined me wiht in your perfec titmign. helpme nt to covet. pelas ehal mym oms briana nd dad and send divine helpers to him all toguth out he da estbaish his htought smay he encounter the Lord Jeus Chirs tliek never never pleas eprovid emones. bels shim in all he does and alos my momand grandma nd brother ab and allrelativ ehal Bs heartvalve as we as msydad hela V. protec tuslaL D ALLOIN OUR POWER TO PROTEC TUS AND DLEIVER US FORM ALL ACCIDENT DEATH AND CAMITY. PELAS EHLP MY DAD S PURPOSE BE DOEN AND HELP UP HAVE A MOS TBELSSE DITME OSMEHOW lORD... EVEN DISPIT EMY UNBELIEF INTHISCUAS EIAKS FOR JOY INYM FMAILYIEK NEEVR BEFORE ANDFORGIVNES OF OUR SISN.IPLEAD TH HoLY BLOOD UPON THIS PRAYER FORMY HUBY TOO FORM gOD. ALLPEOEL. GUID EUS lOR DHELP US OTHEAROYU MOST CLEARLY WITH APPROPRIATE TIOEN. EHLP EM TO SERVE OYU AND yoU ALOEN . MAY OYU BE GLORIFIE DI NYOUR FMIALY AND PERHAPS lORD ACHEAP CAR RENTAL OR SOMEHTIGN ALON THOS ELINE CARPOOL SO I FCNA SEE THE LAND WIHT ME DA? I ODNT KNWO HELP EM TO DO EXCLELTN CARE GIIGN JOB AND DEIVE RME FORM EVIL. HELP ME TO SEE THE DOCOTR YOU WANT ME TO VIIST HEAL MY GRANDMA EYEA ND MIEN SHEAL MY GRANDMA BLOSO PRESSURE BLOOD SUGAR MIRACULUSL EHAL HER AND FORVIE MY SISN FOR HEL PEM BE BEST ACREGIVER AND HOSUE KEEPER FOR yoU.F ORGVEI ME I PLEAD OYUR MERCY TELLMY DA DIMSORR.Y BRIGNHELAIGNTOHIS HEART CHEST AND BLESS HIS LIFE AND MYMOM LONG HAPPY HELAHT LIFE AND FOR LALPEOEL TOO DESTOR YTHE ENMY POWER. PELASEHAL MYFROM MENTLA ND PHYSICLA ILLNESS THNAK YOU lORD.