We understand that you are going through a challenging time, and we are here to support you in prayer and guidance. Depression is one of those downward spirals of feelings that make one feel helpless. We want you to know that even though you feel weak, God's Word assures us that in Christ, you have the strength to endure.
Christ said, For apart from me, you can do nothing. We pray that you find hope in Christ, drawing from His strength as He is the True Vine. As followers of Christ, our lives are meant to be intertwined with His. And because of His completed work on the Cross, we can know that we have everything in Him. It would be good to explore what the Word says about our suffering as Believers, that we should expect suffering and find contentment in it knowing that it produces fruit.
Yet indeed, the Word says, If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us. It is better to endure suffering rather than pleasure. As believers, we look forward to a blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Resisting the feelings to give up when suffering and leave this world like Job's wife is encouraged. For although Job was not dealing with depression, He still was able to fight feelings of suicide brought on by his Wife. For once suffering is done Christ assures us we are rewarded for those deeds. We go through this journey, and Christ told us that the deeds of those on the earth will follow us.
Moving on to more specifics in the request, the prescription medication you are currently using for insomnia, depression, and anxiety should be looked into with caution. Ask that the Lord renew a right spirit in you and make the reason for the current situation clear to you. In so doing, He may take away the issues described below.
But before we pray for removing the medication, know that the Lord puts us through suffering so that we will desire Him more. Psalm 38:3,6,8 There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your indignation, Nor is there any health in my bones because of my sin. I am bent over and greatly bowed down; I go mourning all the day long. I am feeble and severely broken; I groan because of the turmoil of my heart. You may be able to stop taking medication in Jesus' name, only in the time set for you by Jesus.
Additionally, let's consider the fact that God uses the thorn in our side to keep us from exalting ourselves and keep us humble. When Jesus does not remove the thorn, which we are calling depression, anxiety, or even insomnia, He has good reasons to do so.
Regarding health grounds, we pray for complete restoration, healing, and strength. This kind of prayer is in line with the healing work Jesus did while on earth; we remember that by His stripes, you are healed.
Let us come before the Lord in prayer.
We pray for you, dear ###.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we pray that you will heal ### and all who are in their family from these various issues. We pray that they can bring comfort to their family and themselves as needed in Jesus' name.
The reality is that we are told by Paul that we are to endure our cross daily. We know that without help from the Lord, there is no way that we could do it. Therefore, we pray that we rely on the Lord as our strength in the face of opposition, knowing that we can be content in all situations. We can give thanks in all circumstances and even rejoice in the face of troubles. We thank God for the ability to trust and hope in Him. We also hope for the time when we will reign with Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for total healing for ###, a removal of the need for pills that might be harmful to their spiritual and emotional well-being. If there are idols in their life, if it is Your will, we pray they be removed. We pray for endurance and strength to continue with you in Jesus' name. In your precious blood, help them keep their family afloat and be an example of love and strength for them.
We thank you and praise you, Jesus. Thank you for your unending mercies and grace.
Let's not forget to glorify God in this situation. It may be that He desires to use your struggle to bring glory to His name. Rejoice in that and be content in it. Considering that the Lord is always for your best, He may be giving you strength by not removing the thorn. But what would it be to us if the world gets to see the power of Jesus as they did when Jesus was delayed by God so that Lazarus could be dead when Jesus arrived.
God had specific reasons for the delay and possibly was one of the most significant displays of Jesus' power. It was one of those pivotal moments that God could work all things for good. Jesus would do anything for the glory of God, which even meant allowing Lazarus to die to have the opportunity to raise him from the dead.
So it is that we must trust in the Lord that He has our best in mind when He allows us to go through pain, and it is for the good that the world may see the glory of Jesus through our lives.
Another concern we have is that it appears ### has not mentioned the Name of Jesus or even Christ in their prayer. And to that, we say that there is only one way to the Father. Only Jesus Christ can save us, and without believing in Him, we will perish in hell.
We would ask them and anyone else who reads this if they are sure they are saved and going to Heaven. If not, please go and see what the Bible says about the conditions required to be saved. The consequences are much too high to ignore. It could cost you your soul.