In August 08 I was in a safe house and turned over evidence of my husband (of 25 years) inappropriate solicitation of a relationship with a 16 year old. I requested and received a Civil Protection Order versus a restraining order. As there is a backlog of cases for computer sexual issues that case has not come to trial but he has filed through legal aid for a divorce, ยฝ the value of the house, spousal support as he makes 500 less a month on disability (that he has lied to remain on) ยฝ my income tax (which I used all the return to pay for an attorney retainer fee) and hid his 401k I am requesting prayer that Proverbs 22:23&23 Do not exploit the poor person because he is poor and do not crush the needy in court for the Lord will plead their case and rob those who are bobbing them for the divorce case, that I continue to forgive 70 x 70 and continue to pray for the good seeds planted over the past 25 year grow in his life bring him to repentance and that a Prosecutor will proceed with the case of inappropriate solicitation of a minor to safe guard other young girls.