Humble Servant
Please pray for me as my workman’s comp court date has been set for January 23 at 8:00 in the morning. I have to meet my attorney there and listen to workman’s comp try to tell a judge that my backwards fall that fractured my sacrum didn’t lead to all the blood clots and pulmonary embolism. I have chronic pain in my lower back going all the way down to my lower left leg from chronic DVT’s now. I’ve had 5 surgeries to try and help me walk again with just a cane but I am using a walker and scooter to get around. I wish these people could feel this pain as it feels as though someone is sticking hot pokers into you all day every day. Work comp is stating they shouldn’t have to pay for anything other than the fractured sacrum. I was deemed disabled by my primary physician and the state of Wisconsin. It’s been since 3/29/23 that this happened. I had to give up my career of 32 years in nursing. They don’t know what they have done to me mentally. My left leg is purple and cold from lack of circulation. I’m 1 1/2 inches shorter on my right side due to limping. They told me I could lose my leg in 10 years due to circulation problems. My surgeon said the clots were from the trauma of the fall. They researched it and it states fractures or breaks of the sacrum is from a trauma/fall or car accident. I limped working from March-Sept and not one person, manager or employee health stopped me. Work work work. Then when I can’t it’s my fault and they don’t want to pay. All medical bills are coming to me as work comp has denied them. I have been an emotional, physical and spiritual wreck thinking I’ve burdened my family with so much and I’m only 52. I’ve had to take out my retirement to pay bills, turn in my car as I can’t drive. I really need our father to lay his loving hand on me at this hearing and show the judge all my medical documents concerning my future care and loss wages. I know only God can do the unthinkable and he will punish the wicked. Please help our God by praying with me for a victory and an ending to my suffering.
In God’s holy name. Amen.
In God’s holy name. Amen.