Like many of us, the redeemed of the Lord I grew up attending church services and healing sermons that touched our heart. But I was not saved and I was not on my way to heaven. My parents could not do the saving nor they can take me to glory with them. It is so personal to believe, to choose the right way and to live according to Gods word. No one can do this for you. I made many friends attending Sunday School Class and learning so many wonderful things Jesus did while He was on earth. Youth Camps really helped my spiritual life and I am so grateful to the Lord for being close to me.
From the early start.
Our dear Lord was guiding me.
I did not even know who He was.
But parents faithful prayers.
Stayed with me.
Through times of drought.
Through empty life.
Lost and confused.
Jesus was leading my life.
And I am so grateful.
Through the years I had different experiences, the Lord let me go through deep waters to cross and to find His hand leading me to a dry land. I had to stand and believe the truth of His word.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
Isa. 43.2
Jesus, our dear Lord and Savior was the cornerstone of my childhood, adolescence and adulthood. I shall forever be thankful for being so close to me and for answering prayers from grandma, grandpaw, for my wonderful parents, my pastor and everyone who cared for me.
May the Lord bless each one of them. My dear late father in law favorite verse was this...
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones. And thou shall be like a watered garden, and like spring of water, whose water fail not.
Isaiah 58.11
Jesus, I really adore Your holy name for being with me all these time. I am so grateful for Your help, mercy and cares throught this years for me and my whole family. I shall forever praise, honor and glorify Your holy name.
From the early start.
Our dear Lord was guiding me.
I did not even know who He was.
But parents faithful prayers.
Stayed with me.
Through times of drought.
Through empty life.
Lost and confused.
Jesus was leading my life.
And I am so grateful.
Through the years I had different experiences, the Lord let me go through deep waters to cross and to find His hand leading me to a dry land. I had to stand and believe the truth of His word.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
Isa. 43.2
Jesus, our dear Lord and Savior was the cornerstone of my childhood, adolescence and adulthood. I shall forever be thankful for being so close to me and for answering prayers from grandma, grandpaw, for my wonderful parents, my pastor and everyone who cared for me.
May the Lord bless each one of them. My dear late father in law favorite verse was this...
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones. And thou shall be like a watered garden, and like spring of water, whose water fail not.
Isaiah 58.11
Jesus, I really adore Your holy name for being with me all these time. I am so grateful for Your help, mercy and cares throught this years for me and my whole family. I shall forever praise, honor and glorify Your holy name.