Prayer Partner
Please My Lord God and Savior forgive me for my shortcomings and thank you for all of my blessings. I come to you in so much faith and thanks that you have had mercy on my daughter and answered our prayers. I thank you for lifting her and fighting the evil that tried to stop her along her journey to better health and towards the people that she so desperately needed to help her. I pray that you Lord Jesus continue to protect her from the hell that she walked away from and release and remove the hold that anything or anyone has over her or any ill Intentions and guide her with all of your love light and glory to the truth and new life beginnings that await her that she has struggled for so long to find on our own. I ask you in prayer Lord Please continue to bless and watch over my daughter with your love and light on her journey of better health that it may be successful To keep her out of the darkness and back to her family that waits to bring her home again and to never return to her past again. I pray and ask this favor In Jesus name Amen.