Beloved of All
Continue praying that my boyfriend and his ex wife stop talking completely. I saw they texted yesterday. I don’t like how I feel when I see her name on his phone, hear her name out his mouth and see they have talked. They have nothing to talk about and I have no idea why they talked or about what yesterday. He was showing me a text from his worker in his phone and when he scrolled to find his workers texted, I saw a text with her. Please continue praying God breaks all chains and any soul ties they may have. Please pray God helps them to both turn their heads away from eachother and realize that they chose separate paths long ago and to look towards the paths they chose to go on without eachother. Please pray that whatever closure they need because it seems like the ex wife has not had her closure. I pray she receives her closure and moves on. Allow her to break her soul ties that she still has with her ex husband. Since she has come back in his life things have been different between me and him and we finally getting back to were we was but there is still something holding a piece of him back. When we got together, they didn’t talk at all not one text or call at all. And I told him she was the mother to his kids to just be nice when she would send an email about their child missing school and I had him pay her child support on time. Well after a year he finally was nice and then starting last January she started calling and texting him a nd he changed so much, we argue and she send pictures of them together and talk about the past she even talk bad about me and he would not stop her so this came to him leaving me because I asked him to stop her and he didn’t think anything wrong of it. Well we recently been back together 3 months straight going good. She still text and calls and I heard from two people he really loves me and he would never get back with his ex wife. But this bond needs to be broken because it tears me inside. The disrespect from last year has not been solved and it’s been pushed under the rug. So I’m really not comfortable with them still talking . His youngest child turns 18 in July so they honestly don’t need to talk for no reason anymore. She still tells him what to do and he does it. I tell him I don’t know how much kore of her I can deal with and eventually I’ll walk away for my peace. I don’t want to walk away but no matter how much he loves me, he has to end his ties completely with her. It’s not fair to me to have to share some part of him with his ex. They don’t need to talk about their grown kids with eachother. He has me here to confide in for that. She has her sister or she can talk to her kids. They don’t need to make decisions together anymore for their kids. They are not minors as of July this year. Plus she never allowed him to make decisions , she always told him what was gonna happen. If she leaves him alone , then he won’t talk to her . Plus his kids need to stop with group texting with both of them . They need to understand their parents aren’t together and don’t need to communicate with each other at all. It ruins the next relationship they are in and it dishonors the relationships they trying to build. His ex wife has being dating a married man for 7 years but if she found a decent single man , I’m sure she would let her ex husband go. I need her to have respect for the relationship her ex husband and I are in. Learn her boundaries. Please pray
thank you all