Disciple of Prayer
I have recently joined a church! And since I’ve joined, I have basically been going in sitting towards the back of the church after service. I’d leave right out. I’ve been there about a year. So I went to a class where the floor was opened for anybody to answer. Or to share your take on certain topics or subjects or scriptures. So a question was asked how does God speak to you or how do you know when God is speaking to you. I shared one of my experiences basically saying that God will sometimes answer you through other people—people that you don’t even know—and I shared one of my experiences. The person that asked the question responded, “yes like she just said.” The pastor immediately said, “No that’s not right!” But he never said his reason for saying why he said it wasn’t right and neither did he answer the question he proceeded to speed up the meeting and closed it out. I didn’t even try to address it; I left it alone and continued going to church. So maybe a few weeks after, I was going through a rough patch with my mom. I went to talk to him and he started, “my wife went through something similar.” He was like you’re probably going to need to talk to someone to get some mental help. Then he started to recommend people from the church that I should consider setting up an appointment with. I just responded ohhh ok. Then later I thought to myself well if I seek to talk to someone, I’d rather it be someone outside of the church. Not saying it would be the case, but I have experienced confidential conversations in sermons. So I decided that if I talk to someone professionally it would definitely be outside of the church. After that, the following Sundays, in the sermons this man would be preaching and out of the blue just start saying you’re just nasty and would direct his attention in my direction and he’s done this more than one Sunday. Fast forward so some weeks later I end up calling him seeking Godly advice regarding another situation on my job. Basically frustrated because of the behavior of this woman on my job that keeps trying to provoke me, I said to him, I don’t know what her problem is because she doesn’t know anything about me and no matter how much I try to avoid her she keeps trying to get close to me. I literally felt like something drop almost as if he was in disbelief, but here I am talking about this woman and felt something from his end like drop like he couldn’t believe I said that. If that makes sense. After that I didn’t hear there you just nasty in the sermons anymore and the last time he did say it he turned attention to the other side of the church. I shared with him before that I would dream things that would happen and he said in his sermon, stop eating what you’re eating you don’t have know discernment. Another time he learned that I am an educator in his sermon you’re the meanest one in the school. I’m overlooking all this. So in the morning I would listen to the morning devotional and the message from the pastor corner. So I listened to a message that Wednesday morning. I texted him and said thank you pastor for that message it really helped me. The following Sunday he preached a message about Jezebel and her getting her face beat wearing make-up and trying to get close to the pulpit trying to control the pastor etc. Then yesterday he calls my daughter’s phone talking to her talking about hey my singer and questioning her about why she haven’t been at church etc. I immediately started to feel disturbed by this and have literally started feeling disturbed spiritually, it’s like instead of me growing it’s almost as if this man is trying to provoke me to anger and tear me down. So I’m praying seeking God for guidance as to whether I should stay in this setting. And I ask that you all would stand in agreement with me in prayer, because I know the Word of God builds up and not tear down and even when God convicts it isn’t condemning, because God didn’t send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. So I’m asking that you all would stand in agreement with me in prayer as I seek Guidance and Direction from my Heavenly Father in Jesus name, Amen!