LORD, Thank you for Steve's life. Open his heart to all that You have for him and for our life together. Help him to know You better, to understandY our ways, & to see things from Your perspective. Help him to view the two of us the way You do. Make changes in him that need to be made so that nothing will hinder him from fulfilling the purpose and destiny You have for his life and ourlives together.Lord, fill my Steve's heart with Your love so that it overflows in the words he speaks. Help him understand the consequences for any careless or hurtful words. Help us both to be more discerning about what wounds the heart of the other. Speak through us so that our words to each other will be Your words. Help us to be instruments of Your peace and grace everytime we speak to each other. Convict my his heart of times he has said words that have hurt me and did not glorifyYou. Enable him to speak words of life and not death, words that build up and not tear down. Increase his knowledge of Your ways so that he will refuse to speak negatively. Help him to communicate openly, and not allow a cold silence to existbetween us.Lord, help my Steve to be honest about everything.Convict his heart about any lies he has told me or anyone else, and break down any thought in him that lying isacceptable, or that there are different versions of the truth.Strengthen him to resist the father of all lies and refuse to falli nto any temptation to lie (John 8:44). Help him to stop all deceit (1 Peter 2:1). May he refuse to be snared by his own words (Proverbs 6:2). May there be no division between us,because we are of the same mind and have the same good judgment(1 Corinthians 1:10). Where hehas not communicated well in the past, help him to do so now. Thank You that You are ourrock and our Redeemer, and You can redeem all things (Psalm78:35). In Jesus’ name I pray