Prayer Partner
Firstly, I do apologize if y'all are tired of hearing about the man I'm in love with! There have been some major breakthroughs in the last few days though & I need your prayers as we draw closer to becoming a couple. The first big move I made was when I gave him my number (we've always communicated through Messenger, Facebook, Instagram l, & in person when he's in town). He still hasn't called or texted, but he did "shut down" on social media for about a day. He didn't post anything or interact with anyone. After about 24 hours, he slowly started posting again & got back into his regular patterns. (There were a few times when he would do this - always after I wrote something kind of bold.) A few days later, he posted 2 videos that really got me! I commented on both & ended both comments with
, which I couldn't have done a week earlier! Again, he shut down for a while. (He's known to get very nervous & in his head. I've noticed this pattern whenever I say something that makes him scared, but I think he's scared in a good way!) The next day, I went to the theater we met at & I sent him a message about it. He wrote back pretty quickly. The next day, he finally started following me on Instagram. I've noticed that he follows all his friends (male & female) & likes some of their posts. I had gotten the impression that he was scared to follow me or like my posts because he was scared I wouldn't feel the same way as him. Now he's gotten a little braver & more comfortable. In fact, he's liked all but 1 (which I don't think he's seen yet) of my posts I've made since then pretty much right when I posted them! I started posting song clips each day to my story in hopes that he sees them or at least one of his friends will see them & tell him. He's only seen 1 of the songs so far, but I hope the point of being happy anywhere as long as I'm with him came through with that one song he saw! His friend (like a 2nd mother to him) saw another song I posted that mentioned "guitar cutie," so I know she knows it's about him. I hope & pray she told him about that! Anyway, the next day, he posted a meme about the Barbie movie (the 2nd one he's posted & he knows I've seen it & I've always been a big fan of Barbie in general) & I commented with a flirty reply that is bolder than anything I've been able to make myself do up to this point (a lot of people wouldn't think it was that bold, but for me, it was). I thought initially that my reply would completely break him but then I got this weird feeling that it might actually give him confidence instead & he would go the other way & post a lot. I was right! I'm glad because I made that comment not thinking about the fact that he had a show that night & I was scared it might throw him off for his show! The next couple days, all our interactions continued to feel different than before, in the best way! Then he posted a meme that stopped me in my tracks & blew my mind - It was 3 pictures. 1st was Meatloaf & said, "I would do anything for love..." 2nd was a lady & said, "Come watch the new Barbie film with me!" 3rd was Meatloaf & said, "... But I won't do that!" Other people that don't know what's going on just thought of this as a funny meme. After all the Barbie talk surrounding me & all our interactions, I'm 99% sure this is about me! My mom & my friends that I've been talking to about him agree that it's got to be about me, & it included the word "love!" The next dayv(yesterday), I got nothing from him. He was probably finishing traveling home though & was pretty tired. He did post a lot online but didn't interact with anyone all day. I know some of this may seem silly or minor but it's just the highlights of the story & knowing him personally & knowing me personally, you would understand the significance of these things. Please pray that he continues to gain bravery, courage, & confidence so he can feel comfortable asking me out. Please pray that I would continue to have patience in this matter. Please pray that we both can have the wisdom, knowledge, & clarity to know what to say & do and how & when to say & do those things.