They are alive in the Lord. Full of the presence of Jesus who delights hearing songs that honors His name. David know for sure that songs that come out of a grateful heart delights Gods own heart. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Jesus want us all in close contact with Him at home, at work, in the street, on the bus, in the airplane and wherever we are. Sing a new song of praise to our dear heavenly Father. He will send blessings upon blessings to your life, that is for sure.
Songs of worship to HIs name delights the Lord.
Words of praise coming out from a forgiven heart,
Jesus loves hearing our voice of love to HIm.
He fills our heart with joy, peace and happiness.
Reaching out to Him in heaven.
Joining the millions of angels,
All the saints,
All the prophets,
All the apostles
Singing songs of glory to God almighty.
I will bless the Lord all the days of my life.
I will give Him all the glory due His holy name.
I will bless Him wherever I am.
Why should we do this?
The Lord is so gracious.
He is merciful.
Great in kindness and good to all.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways.
So, let us all raise our voice to Him.
Praise, honor and glory shall be unto Him.
Now and forever more.
I will praise Your name of God.. for what You have done.
Psalm 52.9a
Songs of worship to HIs name delights the Lord.
Words of praise coming out from a forgiven heart,
Jesus loves hearing our voice of love to HIm.
He fills our heart with joy, peace and happiness.
Reaching out to Him in heaven.
Joining the millions of angels,
All the saints,
All the prophets,
All the apostles
Singing songs of glory to God almighty.
I will bless the Lord all the days of my life.
I will give Him all the glory due His holy name.
I will bless Him wherever I am.
Why should we do this?
The Lord is so gracious.
He is merciful.
Great in kindness and good to all.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways.
So, let us all raise our voice to Him.
Praise, honor and glory shall be unto Him.
Now and forever more.
I will praise Your name of God.. for what You have done.
Psalm 52.9a