Beloved Servant
To: Those FAITHFUL College Students
It has been an interestingly peaceful and now strangely joyous Christmas season this year. I love this part of my assignment because this scenario keeps playing out, not just in my favor, but as purposed and promised, in favor of those who do it God’s way. Though the enemy certainly tried to tamper, this is how God works; while one college affiliated young adult literally called the police on me, other college students who SAW ME, blessed me. Like I told you I won't mention your school directly just yet, we don’t want folks casting lots. But God knows, and you know the subtle references. Thank you again for the gift and gift cards, and for understanding and acknowledging the importance of the work of the Lord. Most of all, thank you for simply having the courage to act on your faith. NOW WATCH GOD WORK, and WHEN YOU WIN, I will give God glory publicly. May God bless and keep you. Enjoy your stay. Safe travel home, stay warm, Keep trusting in God, and Do not doubt.
It has been an interestingly peaceful and now strangely joyous Christmas season this year. I love this part of my assignment because this scenario keeps playing out, not just in my favor, but as purposed and promised, in favor of those who do it God’s way. Though the enemy certainly tried to tamper, this is how God works; while one college affiliated young adult literally called the police on me, other college students who SAW ME, blessed me. Like I told you I won't mention your school directly just yet, we don’t want folks casting lots. But God knows, and you know the subtle references. Thank you again for the gift and gift cards, and for understanding and acknowledging the importance of the work of the Lord. Most of all, thank you for simply having the courage to act on your faith. NOW WATCH GOD WORK, and WHEN YOU WIN, I will give God glory publicly. May God bless and keep you. Enjoy your stay. Safe travel home, stay warm, Keep trusting in God, and Do not doubt.
Thank y'all again. Merry Christmas, and have a Safe and Happy New Year.
(I had to acknowledge their incredible faith in God’s Word)
Woman of God
(I had to acknowledge their incredible faith in God’s Word)
Woman of God