Thou shall not die, but live. Those words mean everything in our existence. If we choose Jesus and everything He said, then we are choosing life everlasting. With a loud voice the Lord called the dead. Lazarus, come forth. John 11.43 The eternal voice of God who giveth life to every single human being on earth came alive and the dead hear it and obeyed His voice.
Who are we seeking and trying to find reality after death? When we shall truly know for sure where we are going to end up when we die?
Death inevitable and unavoideable.
Jesus giver of life eternal.
I choose to live with Him in heaven.
That is where I am going.
Who are we seeking and trying to find reality after death? When we shall truly know for sure where we are going to end up when we die?
Death inevitable and unavoideable.
Jesus giver of life eternal.
I choose to live with Him in heaven.
That is where I am going.